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当画家想象夏娃在伊甸园中行走时,脑海中肯定浮现出市场的景象。 赤裸、自然、充满期待,Petter Hegre 捕捉到了 Marketa 在阿尔加维的植物园中漫步时做着少女梦,并提醒我们为什么这位来自布拉格的学生是 Hegre.com 的重要资产之一。 享受!!
When painters imagine Eve walking in the Garden of Eden it is visions of Marketa that surely spring to mind.
Naked, natural, full of expectation, Petter Hegre has captured Marketa as she strolls through the botanical gardens in the Algarve dreaming girlie dreams and reminding us why this student from Prague is one of the great assets at Hegre.com.
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