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在 1000 瓦发光度下的漆黑夜晚,Marketa 变成了一个镀金的雕刻品,一个出现在时间黎明的幽灵。 Petter Hegre 在他位于葡萄牙的花园的游泳池旁搭建了一个迷你好莱坞场景,高功率的灯光将 Marketa 定格在黑色背景下,以前所未有的方式展现她:浪漫、超凡脱俗且始终引人入胜。 Hegre.com 上有 100 多部电影,而 Marketa Night Session 是最好的电影之一。
On a pitch black night beneath 1000s of watts of luminescence, Marketa becomes a carving cast in gold, a spectral apparition emerging at the dawn of time.
Petter Hegre built a mini-Hollywood set beside the pool in his garden in Portugal, the high-powered lights freezing Marketa against the black backdrop to reveal her in ways never seen before: in turns romantic, otherworldly and always compelling.
There are more than 100 films on Hegre.com and Marketa Night Session is among the very best.
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