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有什么能比像 Mirta 这样美丽的女人和大量婴儿油的组合更好呢? 好吧,老实说,什么都没有想到!在这部非常特别的电影中,我们瞥见了 Mirta,她做的很好,并确保她身体的每一寸都涂满了婴儿油。然后,好像要炫耀她的成就一样,她花了一点时间对着镜头摆姿势,让她的手在她光滑的皮肤表面滑动。 可能需要一点警告,因为这部电影不适合胆小的人。
What can be better then the combination of a gorgeous woman like Mirta and a whole lot of baby oil?
Well, to be quite honest nothing comes to mind! In this very special film we catch a glimpse of Mirta as she makes good and sure that every inch of her body is covered in baby oil. Then, as if to show off her achievement she takes a little time to pose for the camera, letting her hands glide around the slick surface of her skin.
A little warning may be in order as this film is not for the faint of heart.
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