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我们都知道,要保持良好的身材,我们需要多吃水果和蔬菜。 Mirta 无疑是这一事实的活生生的证明! 在这部新电影中,可以看到可爱的 Mirta 正在吃她的水果和蔬菜配额。凝视着她轻轻地吮吸桃子柔软多汁的果肉,当成熟的汁液从她的下巴滴落时,她用粉红色的舌头舔舐和探索。 这只是初学者!天气很热,随着气温飙升,米尔塔决定用黄瓜充饥和降温。 是我还是这里很热?我们向您保证,这部电影会让您大吃一惊!
We all know that to stay in good shape we need to eat our fruit and vegetables. Well Mirta is certainly the living proof of that fact!
In this new film catch the delectable Mirta eating her fruit and veg quota. Gaze on as she gently sucks the soft, succulent flesh of a peach, licking and probing with her pink tongue as ripe juices trickle down her chin.
And that's just for starters! It's a hot day and as the temperature soars Mirta decides to satisfy her hunger and cool down with a cucumber.
Is it just me or is it hot in here? We promise you that this film will blow you away!
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