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漂浮在水面上对我们的健康和陆地上坚实的地面一样有益。它当然可以刺激我们的性感官。正如 Sali 和 Quin 所经历的那样: “在一艘旧帆船舒缓的噪音包围下,我们有一些真正的沉默。失重的快乐让我们深入彼此的身体和灵魂!” 欢迎登上船,享受片刻的情色快感。
Floating on water is as good for our health as the solid ground on land. And it can certainly stimulate our sexual senses. As Sali and Quin have experienced:
“SURROUNDED BY the soothing noises of an old sailing boat, we had some moments of true silence. And the joy of feeling weightless let us dive deep into each other's bodies and souls!”
Welcome on board for a moment of deep erotic pleasure.
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