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众所周知,使用性感大胆的内衣可以激发任何性接触的激情。这对我们恩爱的夫妻来说也是如此。萨利说: “我喜欢用新内衣给奎因一个惊喜。这次我架起胶卷相机给他一个惊喜。看看他在停止玩他的游戏并开始和我一起玩之前能抵抗多久……” 来和 Sali 和 Quin 一起玩吧,我们保证你会喜欢的!
It's a well known fact that the use of seductive and daring lingerie can spice up the passion of any sexual encounter. And so it is for our loving couple. Says Sali:
“I love to surprise Quin with new lingerie. This time I set up a film camera to surprise him. And to see how long he could resist before he stopped playing his games, and started having fun with me instead...”
Come play with Sali and Quin, we promise you'll enjoy it!
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