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在一个漫长而特别紧张的下午结束时,维罗尼最喜欢的莫过于坐在浴缸里洗去她的忧虑。 只有坐在瓷器隐蔽处温暖的肥皂水里,维罗尼才能放下世俗的忧虑,将思绪交给自己裸露皮肤的刺痛感。这位优雅的金发女郎为沐浴乐趣的概念赋予了新的含义,她的身体每一寸都未被触及或探索。 电影中的感官享受等待着您,一定会净化心灵!
At the end of a long and particularly stressful afternoon, Veroni likes nothing better then to sit in the tub and wash her cares away.
Only when sitting in the warm sudsy water of her porcelain hideaway is Veroni able to let go of her worldly cares and relinquish her thoughts to the tingling call of her own naked skin. Giving new meaning to the notion of bath time fun, this elegant blonde leaves no inch of her body untouched or unexplored.
Sensual pleasures await in a film that is sure to cleanse both heart and soul!
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