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有时候,当你赤身裸体时,生活会更好。或者至少当你看到像 Veroni 这样的裸体女孩时会更好。 当 Veroni 出现为 Petter Hegre 摆姿势时,她在裸体模特界还是个彻头彻尾的处女。拍摄照片二十分钟后,Petter 无法说服她重新穿上衣服!那么遇到这种情况,摄影师该怎么办呢?为什么,当然是拍电影。 坐下来放松一下,我们将带您体验一位非常特别的女性平凡的一天。当然,当她全裸时,维罗尼的生活就远超常人。
Sometimes life is just better when you’re naked. Or at least it’s better when you’re looking at a naked girl like Veroni.
When Veroni showed up to pose for Petter Hegre she was a complete virgin to the world of nude modeling. Twenty minutes into the photo shoot and Petter couldn’t convince her to put her clothes back on! So what’s a photographer to do in a situation like this? Why, make a film of course.
Sit back and relax as we take you on a trip through a normal day in the life of one very special woman. Of course, when she is completely nude, Veroni’s life is far beyond average.
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