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NACIDA EN 1996 y radicada en Miami, USA, acaba de ganarse una beca de baloncesto en la universidad, donde también estudia arquitectura. Le encanta el ambiente sexy de la ciudad, la diversidad cultural, la playa y el estilo de vida fitness, y no puede pensar en un lugar mejor para estar...
Alexandra nos cuenta que suele ser bastante tímida. Una timidez solo superada por su impulso sexual. ¡Lo que, casualmente, también provoca la mayoría de sus problemas!
Tall. Athletic. Mysterious and attractive. Nature has blessed Alexandra with features that make her stand out in any crowd. But there is a lot more to Alexandra than meets the eye.
BORN IN 1996 and located in Miami, USA, she just earned herself a scholarship in basketball at the university, where she also studies architecture. She loves the sexy vibe of the city, the cultural diversity, the beach and the fitness lifestyle, and can’t think of a better place to be...
Alexandra tells us that she is usually pretty shy. A shyness only overcome by her sex drive. Which coincidentally leads to most of her troubles too!
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