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没有人会说 Jolene 无聊。她狂野而美妙,她会让你跪下乞求更多。 Jolene 是一个具有强烈独立倾向的自由精神,想要决定自己的人生命运。 年仅 19 岁的 Jolene 来自荷兰的一个艺术小镇。这种创造力从小就流淌在她的血液中;无论是艺术、表演还是音乐——只要你说得出来,她都喜欢。 但真正让她的创作才华大放异彩的是歌唱。她创作自己的音乐,并与许多著名的荷兰艺术家一起表演。她相信音乐具有不可思议的力量,并创作歌曲来激励和感动人们。 Jolene 拥有美丽年轻身体的老灵魂,遵循阿育吠陀生活方式(一种在印度实践了 5000 多年的古老医学体系)。她相信事情的发生是有原因的,我们都对自己的幸福和内心的平静负责。 全身都是空白的画布,Jolene 只是喜欢裸体并表达自己。所以不要错过演出!
No one can call Jolene boring. She’s wild and wonderful and she’ll have you on your knees begging for more. A free spirit with a strong independent streak, Jolene wants to determine her own destiny in life.
Just 19 years old, Jolene comes from a small artistic town in the Netherlands. And that creativity has been in her blood since she was a child; whether it’s art, performance or music – you name it she loves it.
But it’s singing where her creative talents really shine. She writes her own music and performs with many famous Dutch artists. She believes music is incredibly powerful and writes songs to inspire and move people.
An old soul in a gorgeous young body, Jolene follows an Ayurveda lifestyle (an ancient system of medicine practiced in India for over 5000 years). She believes things happen for a reason and that we’re all responsible for our own happiness and inner peace.
With her whole body a blank canvass, Jolene just loves to get naked and express herself. So don’t miss the show!
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