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大多数女孩通过与朋友聚会或越野旅行来庆祝她们的 18 岁生日。拉娜不一样。她认为进入成年期的最佳方式是裸体。 不是每天都能遇到一个从小就梦想在镜头前脱衣服的女人,而 Petter Hegre 不会错过帮助 Lana 开启人生新纪元的机会。拉娜 (Lana) 是一位时尚优雅的优雅女孩,喜欢运动装,无法忍受化妆品,认为自然的女人才是真正性感的女人。她希望有一天能去纽约市。 现在她已经 18 岁了,拉娜不介意找男朋友了。 “男人应该是床上的狮子!”她带着羞怯的微笑笑了起来。
Most girls celebrate their eighteenth birthday by partying with friends or heading cross country. Lana is different. She decided the best way to enter adulthood was to pose nude.
It’s not everyday you meet a woman who has dreamed of disrobing for the camera since a young age and Petter Hegre wasn’t going to miss his chance to help Lana usher in a new era in her life. A classy girl with style and elegance, Lana loves to dress sporty and can’t stand cosmetics, believing a natural woman is a truly sensual one. One day she hope to make it to New York City.
Now that she’s 18, Lana wouldn’t mind finding a boyfriend. “A man should be a lion in bed!” she laughs with a sheepish smile.
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