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对于 Petter Hegre 来说,摄影是关于个人的。 我们生活在图像时代,虽然裸体和情色摄影作为一种表达方式在不断变化,但寻找具有情感魅力以及其他更明显属性的女孩的过程是驱动 Hegre.com 的动力. 玛格达在选美比赛中获胜后来见佩特·赫格雷,他们进行了两次会谈,第一次在森林里,第二次在废弃的工厂里,所有的灰尘和旧钢铁与玛格达高大、瘦削的孩子般的身材形成鲜明对比,赤身裸体在陌生的风景中,完美地隐喻了她一生中东欧发生的变化。 玛格达在华沙赢得选美比赛之前一直在一家缝纫店工作,正在修理衣服,第一次脱光衣服是为了 Hegre 相机。
For Petter Hegre, photography is about being personal.
WE LIVE in the age of the image and while nude and erotic photography is constantly changing as a means of expression, the process of finding girls with the emotional charisma, as well as the other more obvious attributes, is the motor that drives Hegre.com.
Magda came to meet Petter Hegre after winning a beauty contest and they did two sessions, the first in the forest and the second in an abandoned factory, the contrast of all that dust and old steel against the tall, skinny child-like figure of Magda, naked in an unfamiliar landscape, the perfect metaphor of the changes that have taken place in eastern Europe during her lifetime.
Magda had been working in a sewing shop repairing clothes before winning the beauty contest in Warsaw and stripped her clothes off for the first time for the Hegre camera.
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