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你必须在保持冷静的同时传递令人震惊的消息。你必须在不流泪的情况下报告令人心碎的故事。阅读新闻比看起来更难。 认识来自波兰的 18 岁有抱负的新闻记者玛格特。她的背景是时尚,但她的热情是新闻,在大学学习这门学科。她的远大梦想是有一天成为一名电视新闻主播,这样她就可以告诉你当天的世界大事。 正如你可以想象的那样,对于一个想成为记者的人来说,她对这个世界有着深刻的思考。你可以用“非常性感”来形容她。尽管她很年轻,但她拥有比她年长得多的人的智慧——她是一个披着美丽年轻外壳的成熟灵魂。 这是她第一次全裸摆姿势。下次你见到她时,她可能正坐在桌子后面给你看新闻——但可能还穿着衣服!
You have to deliver shocking news while keeping your composure. And you have to report heart-breaking stories without shedding a tear. Reading the news is harder than it looks.
Meet aspiring news reporter, 18-year-old Margot, from Poland. Her background is in fashion, but her passion is journalism, studying the subject at university. Her big dream is to one day become a TV news anchor so she can tell you about the world events of the day.
As you can imagine for a wannabe journalist, she thinks deeply about the world. You could describe her as “seriously sexy”. And despite her youth, she has the wisdom of someone much older – she’s an adult soul in a beautiful young shell.
This is the first time she’s posed fully naked. The next time you see her she may be sat behind a desk reading you the news – but probably with her clothes on!
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