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献身的なダンサー、ウクライナ出身の 20 歳のオリビアに会いましょう。幼い頃からバレエ ダンスへの情熱が彼女の人生を支配していました。友達がゲームをしている間、彼女は一生懸命ダンスの練習に励んでいました。そして、この練習は報われ、彼女は常に演劇学校の公演のスターでした.
While most of us spend our youth wondering what to do when we grow up, some people are different. They had focus. They had a dream. And nothing was going to get in the way.
Meet devoted dancer, 20-year-old Olivia from Ukraine. From an early age her passion for ballet dancing took over her life. While her friends played games, she was hard at work practicing her dance technique. And this practice paid off, she was always the star of her theatre school’s performances.
But despite numerous auditions in recent years, professional ballet is a highly competitive field to succeed in. With only a handful of paid jobs to fight for, Olivia decided to branch out into fashion modelling and later nude modelling.
So while her dream has remained at arm’s length, she has dedicated herself to helping others achieve their dreams. She now offers advanced ballet tutoring to young girls in Kyiv, including nutrition, fitness and traditional ballet techniques.
So when you’re checking out her strong, lean and sexy ballerina’s body, just remember the years of dedication that you’re getting to enjoy.