



Beautiful site
ペッターとこのウェブサイトに関係するすべての人々に、 過去2か月間、何時間も視聴を楽しんでいただきありがとうございます。私のサブスクリプションは本日終了し、学生として、私は今このようなことにお金を使う余裕がありません。異性愛者の既婚女性である私は、男性だけが魅力的でありながら、オンラインやテレビで裸の自然な女性の姿を見ると、非常にエロティックな喜びを感じる方法と混同されることがよくあります。ヴァレリーがあなたの黒人男性モデルとポーズをとっている写真を見て、このウェブサイトに惹かれました。それから私はプレビュービデオを見て、信じられないほど興奮したので、購読しなければならないほど多くのことを見ました。エロティックアートやポルノにお金を使うのはこれが初めてです。あなたのオリジナルのアプローチがこれの理由です:上品な方法でポーズをとる美しく、自然なモデル。新しいライブカメラのアイデアを承認したとは言えませんが、とにかくそれを見に行くことはありません。ペッターに感謝します、そして私はあなたが非常に成功したキャリアを持ち続けることを願っています。 ジョアン、29歳、アメリカ、もともとイギリス出身。
To Petter and all those involved in this website, Thank you for providing me with hours of viewing pleasure for the past two months. My subscription ends today and as a student, I can't afford to spend money on things like this right now. As a straight, married female, I have often been confused with the way that I only find men attractive in person, yet get a great deal of erotic pleasure looking at the naked, natural female form online or on TV. I saw a picture of Valerie posing with your black male model and was drawn to this website. I then watched a preview video and was incredibly aroused, so much saw that I had to subscribe. This is the first time I have ever or will ever spend money on erotic art or pornography. Your original approach is the reason for this: beautiful, natural models posing in a tasteful way. I can't say I approve of the new livecam idea, but I won't be around to see it anyway. Thank you Petter and I hope you continue to have a very successful career. Joanne, 29, USA, originally from England.
New Look of the Site
I love the new look of the site. My two favorite features are the "like" section where I can store all of my favorite nudes and the slideshow feature which is a great way to study my favorite nudes. There is nothing I love more than the nude female form and the way it is captured so artistically and beautifully here. Great work on the site and never stop the appreciation of the amazing beauty of the female nude.
このサイトの新しいトレンドであるMOREEXPLICITが大好きです。特に明示的なマスターベーション。 大好きです。それを維持し、私は一生の加入者です。 実際、私は数年前にサブスクリプションを停止しましたが、サイトは十分に明示的ではありませんでした。
I love the new trend of this site of being MORE EXPLICIT. esp w the explicit MASTURBATION. LOVE IT. KEEP IT UP and i am a subscriber for life. in fact, i stopped my subscription a couple of years ago bc the site was NOT EXPLICIT ENOUGH.
“Thank you very much for this very exciting website. My wife and I hav enjoyed learning techniques from the Tantra videos.”
もっとアナル舐めが見たいです。大きな毛束ではありません。 そして、35歳から50歳までの女性も。彼女たちも美しくなれます。
Ik zou graag wat meer rimming zien. En dan niet met grote bossen haar. En ook graag vrouwen tussen de 35 en 50. De kunnen ook mooi zijn hoor.
I would like to see two ladies wrestling or boxing nude please ! video Please Or even photos one one and see what the members think !
最高級のポルノ! めちゃくちゃ露骨で、非常に上品。 エロティシズムのレベルは桁外れです! 私のお気に入りはドミニカです。ああ、彼女のセンセーショナルな小陰唇は、まさに女性らしい絶妙さです!!!!!!!!!!!!
Top notch pornography!Insanely explicit & extremely classy. The level of eroticism is off the charts! My favorite is Dominika.Oh my goodness her sensational Labia Minora Lips are pure feminine exquisiteness !!!!!!!!!!!!
ピーターズさん、こんにちは。 女性らしさは主にあなたの芸術的な視線によって尊重されます。自分の「コンフォートゾーン」を抜け出して、より成熟した女性的な側面をあえて高めるのは、あなたにとって難しいことではありませんか?人も身体も年月が経っても美しくなります… あなたのサイトには、40 歳未満のモデルと 40 歳以上のモデルのための 2 つの入り口セクションを設けることができます。エロティシズムに対するあなたの見解に敏感な一般大衆の数はさらに増えることは明らかです。そして、あえて突き詰めると、ある程度の年齢になったモデルは、老いた肉体であなたの才能を超えることを要求するでしょう。 女性は60歳になっても30歳のときと同じように美しいと断言します。 変えなければならないのは私たちの見方です! よろしくお願いします SF&F
Bonjour à vous Peters Le féminin est largement honoré par votre regard artistique. Ne serait-il pas challengeant pour vous de quitter votre « zone de confort » pour oser sublimer un féminin plus mature ? Les personnes et les corps sont tout aussi magnifiques lorsque les années passent… Votre site pourrait avoir deux volets d'entrée pour les modèles, les moins de 40 ans et de l’autre pour les personnes au delà de 40. Il est évident que le tout public sensible à votre regard sur l’érotisme ne sera que plus grand. Et puis, si j’ose aller au fond de ma pensée, les modèles d’un certain âge exigeront de par leurs corps vieillissants, de dépasser votre talent. Je vous assure que les femmes sont tout aussi magnifiques à 60 ans qu’à leur 30 ans. C’est notre regard qui doit changer ! Bien à vous et un grand merci S&F
関係者の皆様に心からの敬意を表します。私の意見では、本当に「セックスポジティブ」なサイトです。 私は同性愛者ですが、今でも定期購読をしています。なぜ?残念ながら、99.68% どこでも見られるとりとめのない話は、私にとっては単調すぎました。 ここで提供するペニス/リンガはA1!です。 レズビアンのビデオや写真シリーズもいくつかあります。男性カップルやお一人様でもいかがでしょうか? ご冥福をお祈りします!
Meine herzlichste respektvollste Annerkennung an alle Beteiligten. Eine in meinen Augen wahrhaft "sex positiv" Site. Ich bin ein gay Mann habe aber trotzdem ein Abo. Warum? Die rammelei die man leider zu 99.68% überall findet war mir zu eintönig. Die Penis / Lingam Angebote hier sind 1A! Ihr habt ja auch ein paar lesbische Viedeos und Photostrecken. Wie wäre es mal mit einem Männerpaar oder Solo? Ich wünsche Euch weiterhin nur das Beste!
本当に、すべての大人は Hegre のサブスクリプションを持つべきです。
Really, every adult should have a Hegre subscription.
ペッター、 写真集や動画を日常的に制作するのは大変なことでしょう。 1年365日!!私は、一つには、 あなたの努力に感謝します。あなたはネット上で最高のエロサイトを持っています!!あなたのモデルは世界で最も美しい女性です。そして、あなたの親密な 動画は無敵!!私はHegreサイトが向かっている方向が大好きです!!!ペッター、あなたがしてくれたすべてのことに感謝します!!!!カリフォルニア出身のデイブ
Petter, It must be very difficult to produce photo sets and videos on a daily basis. 365 days per year !! I, for one, Appreciate your efforts very much. You have the best erotic site on the net !! Your models are the most beautiful women in the world. And, your intimate Videos are unrivaled !! I do love the direction the Hegre site is heading !!! Thank You Petter for all that you do !!!! Dave from California
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私は最近参加したばかりですが、ヘグレアートはあらゆる点で最高品質だと言えます。 - 4k / hdのビデオと写真 -非常に優れたカメラ管理とカット。 女の子のパフォーマンスと献身は誰にも負けません。 人工的なものは何もなく、人々は単に楽しみにふけっています。 ビデオのバックグラウンドで落ち着いた音楽を一致させます。 私にとって、これはまともなスタンドを保証するだけでなく、パフォーマンスを見たときのこの「特定の」チクチクする感覚も保証します. ペッター・ヘグレとスタッフ、そして本当に素晴らしいコミュニティがモデルを尊重していることも称賛に値します。 また、ヘグレ氏は、質問に答えたり、提案や批判に反応したりするために、コメントをよく見ます。 ヘグレのコミックダークサイド ちなみに、とても面白いです
I've only recently joined and I can say that hegre art is top quality in every respect. -vids and pics in 4k /hd -very good kammera management and cut. The girls' performance and devotion is second to none. nothing seems artificial, people simply indulge themselves with fun. matching calm music in the background of the videos. for me, all this not only ensures a decent stand, but also this "certain" tingling sensation when looking at the performance. The respect with which the models are treated by petter hegre and staff as well as by the really nice community also deserves praise. I also find that Mr. Hegre often looks at the comments to answer questions or to react to suggestions and criticism. the comics dark side of hegre By the way, are very entertaining
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Hello. Great site as usual. I'm looking forward to you returning to Thailand to shoot and hopefully reunite with Hiromi and Sowan. Also seeing new beautiful Asian models. Thanks so much!
今、頭に浮かんだことは… 男性では、体内のエネルギーの分布をまだ少し見逃しています。リンガム マッサージは、多くの場合、エッジング用に設計されています。しかし、男性も野生のオーガズムを感じる可能性があります.彼女と彼が彼のエネルギーを彼の体全体に広げれば、緊張曲線はもっと活発になるでしょう. 今のところ射精の遅れがほとんどです... しかし、体の反応やオーガズムが伴う場合は、射精する必要さえありません。
Was mir gerade einfällt.. Bei Männern fehlt mir noch ein wenig die energieverteilung im Körper. Oft sind die lingammassagen sehr auf edging ausgelegt. Aber auch Männer haben das Potential wilde körperorgasmen zu verspüren. Wenn sie und er dafür sorgen, dass seine Energie sich im Körper verteilt könnte die spannungskurve viel lebhafter sein. Bislang ist es eher ein herauszögern der Ejakulation… Aber es braucht nicht mal eine Ejakulation, wenn es dafür Körperreaktionen und orgasmen gibt.
Einfach super dieses Konzept, danke. Bitte versuch Flora wiedermal zu filmen
古いモデルをフィーチャーすることを考えたことがあるかどうか疑問に思いました。 40年代後半または50年代?
Was wondering if you ever thought of featuring an older model. Late 40's or 50's?
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このサイトのコンテンツを作成していただき、ありがとうございます。私は最近それを発見し、コンテンツの品質に驚いています。あなたが定期的にコンテンツを追加し続け、それがそのような高品質であり続けるならば、私は間違いなく購読し続けます。私が購読している唯一のエロサイトであり、長期購読を検討している最初のサイトです。 私の妻と私は両方ともあなたのサイトを楽しんでいるので、私のメールアドレスと彼女のユーザー名を使用しています。より多くのキスとより自然な髪を要求できますか? ありがとうございました
Thank you very much for producing the content for this site. I have recently discovered it and am blown away by the quality of the content. If you keep on adding content regularly and it continues to be of such high quality I will definitely continue to subscribe. It is the only erotic site I am subscribed to and the 1st one that I am considering long term subscription. My wife and I both enjoy your site, hence using my email address and her user name. Can we request more kissing and more natural hair? Thank you
My definition of pornography is "art in the service of sex" . My definition of erotica is "sex in the service of art". I am unaware of any other site that produces erotic art at a level superior to or even close to the quality of erotic art produced here. I thank you, Petter, and all of the models who collaborate with you for producing the erotica that gives me so much pleasure.
Dear Petter and everyone involved with the website; I have subscribed to hegre.com on and off for quite a few years and have enjoyed a lot of the content a great deal. I love erotic nude women photography and Petter is clearly a great, professional photographer. The quality of the content of your website really sets it apart from a lot of other sites. Now for me I enjoy the photo sets much more than most of the videos and films on hegre.com. Some of the films are very good and sexy but I don't care as much for the massage ones or the ones with the male models. I prefer the films that focus on the girl (or girls) outside in a natural environment. Now the photo sets are mostly brilliant and great job. I admit prefer the Asian models on the site and they get me excited the most! Three recent girls (Hiromi (Japan), Pin (Thailand), and Jessa (Phillippines)) are so sexy and awesome. Particularly Hiromi who has become my favorite model on the site. Please if you can get her in a video that would be great! A girl on girl photo set or film with Hiromi and Pin would be a dream! Once again thanks so much all involved in the website and I hope you listen to my suggestions and continue with more gorgeous Asian girls on the site. Cheers!
親愛なるヘグレ、私はあなたの通常のエレガントでエロティカと見なされる基準の下でナスの写真を考えました。 もっとバリエーションが必要な場合は… ひもで踊る1人の人形/マリオネット 2真空ボンデージ 3ヘナボディオーナメント、ネット上にヘナアーティストがいます 最高のエロティカは「リンガを称えるマッサージ」でした。もっとカップルに会いたいです。そして、私があなたとコミュニケーションを取っている間、フローラ、シャルロッタ、クローバ、カプリス、セレナ、メリッサに、彼らは良いスパンキングが必要だと言います。 そうでなければ優れたウェブサイト、私は競合他社を知りません。 ロンドンのデビッド
Dear Hegre, I thought the eggplant picture beneath your usual standards of elegant and considered erotica. If you need more variation I suggest… 1 human puppet/marionette dancing on strings 2 vacuum bondage 3 henna body ornament, there are henna artists on the net The best erotica was 'lingam honouring massage' I would like to see more of couples. And while I am communicating with you tell Flora, Charlotta, Clova, Caprice, Serena, and Melissa they need a good spanking. Otherwise an excellent website, I know of no competitors. David in London
Hi guys and gals I just want to say I love the site. I would love to see more models that are alittle bit more curvy and busty. And is there any chance that you would every run some massages from models and lessons here in Western Australia?.
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Premier site qui mets en valeur la beauté de la femme
こんにちは、hegre.comに感謝します。 女性の体の美しさと豊かさを最大限の敬意を持って披露する方法を誰が知っていますか.. ここで私たちはあなたにそのすべての素晴らしさでそして制約なしに女性を発見させます。 女性は自分自身を明らかにし、簡単かつ自信を持って目標に降伏します。 美しいショットと美しいビデオの愛好家のための喜び。 こんにちは、hegre.comに感謝します。 女性の体の美しさと豊かさを最大の敬意を持って強調する方法を誰が知っていますか。 ここで私たちはあなたに彼女のすべての素晴らしさでそして制約なしで女性を発見させます。 女性は自分自身を明らかにし、簡単かつ自信を持って目標に降伏します。 美しいショットと美しいビデオの愛好家のための喜び。
Hello and thanks to hegre.com, Who knows how to showcase the beauty and richness of women's bodies and with the utmost respect .. Here we make you discover the woman in all its splendor and without constraint. Women unveil themselves and surrender to the goal with ease and confidence. A delight for lovers of beautiful shots and beautiful videos. Bonjour et merci à hegre.com, Qui sait mettre en valeur la beauté et la richesse du corps des femmes et avec le plus grand respect.. Ici on vous fait découvrir la femme dans toute sa splendeur et sans contrainte. Les femmes se dévoilent et s'abandonne face à l'objectif en toute simplicité et toute confiance. Un délice pour les amateurs de beaux clichés et de belles vidéos.
Malgré une grande diversité de style de model, je remarque qu'il n'y a jamais de femme un peu musclé et trouve ça un peu dommage.
I think this is a fantastic site. Beautiful adorable lovely models with charming character and physique. In depth pictures along with bio of models. Great camera man. Very exclusive filming. I love all the different web pages.
Peter u are so artistic no other website has such beautiful women and very tasteful pictures thank you sir
just like you list the female models and their credits you ought to list the male models and their credits
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Real Sex
こんにちは! まず、とても良い品質のものを作ってくれてありがとう!それは本当にばかげたポルノやそのようなものではありません、これは芸術です!あなたのコンテンツは素晴らしいです、特にあなたがものを通過することによってあなたが見つけるすべての細部で。鮮やかさ! しかし、私には「本当のセックス」という1つのことが欠けています。私が言いたいのは、本当に膣の中にあるペニスで、女性や彼女のGスポットなどを本当に貫通しているということです。あるいは、本物のアナルセックスも。品質レベルを維持し、性差別をなくし、女性の身体を利用しないなど、そのコンテンツで作品を制作できると信じています。 これはiのドットになります。 よろしくお願いします!
Hello! First a big fat thank you for producing so good quality stuff! That is really no dumb porn or anything like that, this is art! Your content is awesome, especially with all the small details you find by going through the stuff. Brilliant! But I am missing one thing, namely "real sex". What I mean is a penis really inside a vagina, really penetrating a woman, her G-Spot and stuff like that. Or maybe also even real anal-sex. I trust you, that you can produce stuff with that content, still keeping the quality level, keeping it sexism free, still not exploiting the female body, etc.. This would be the dot on the i. Best Regards!
Kudos and stuff
I really like this site for the wonderful films you do. I love the SEXED part, and the conversations involving Serena L and some others as well. It makes this site special. The famous Sensual Sex Massage video with Serena and Alex was truly wonderful in part because felt that I "knew" Serena from her other videos and where she comes from. In any case, for whatever reason you've decided not to do that sort of thing again and I respect that choice. Whatever happens, your wonderful cinematic skills make this site special. I hated to see the criticism of Grace's recent beautiful dildo video from the "porn crazies" who want to see her fuck a black guy apparently because you use black dildos for the contrast with your beautiful light colored models. Whatever ... you're always going to have criticism like that. I'd like to see intercourse once in a while as well, but I think it would be really hard to beat the one with Serena L and Alex, and maybe it's not worth trying. Or maybe there are other reasons you just can't do it. In any case, you have a real quality site here, and I wish you well.
やあ、 素晴らしい仕事をおめでとうございます。モデルはレンズによって拡大されます。 特に男性は完全に剃られています。男性脱毛技術についてアドバイスをいただけますか? 前もって感謝します :)
Hi, congratulations for your fabulous work. The models are magnified by your lenses. Males in particular are perfectly shaved. Please may you advice us about man epilation technics ? Thanks in advance :)
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What happened to Zana? We never see her any more.
Time for VR
これはその種の最も上品なサイトです!素晴らしい。 次のレベルに進んで、VRビデオを提供してください
This is the most classy site of its kind!! Well done. Please take it to the next level and give us VR VIDEOS
Nuru massage
親愛なるペッター、 あなたの仕事は素晴らしく、私はスウェーデン人ですが、私はおそらく永遠にあなたの美しいサイトのメンバーであり続けるでしょう。 ;-) あなたの作品の中で私の好みはマッサージセクションです、そしてあなたはここで本当にいくつかの画期的な成果を上げました。私のいつものお気に入りは「性的探検」と「官能的なセックスマッサージ」です。私はどこでもそのようなものを見たことがありません。脱帽! 私が見逃しているのは、「ぬるマッサージ」の探求です。ネットで「ヌルマッサージ」の動画を検索することは、潜在的な可能性を逃したことへの継続的な失望です。とても美しいかもしれないものは、単純なポルノに還元されます。 「性的探検」と「官能的セックスマッサージ」の精神での適切なヌルマッサージビデオは、叙事詩的であり、それを超えていると私は信じています。 アイデアにペッターを考えてみてください!あなたがそれを空想しなければ-大したことではありません。もしそうなら、次のレベルの性感マッサージビデオはあなたのものです。 ではごきげんよう! マット
Dear Petter, Your work is amazing and I will most likely forever stay a member of your beautiful site, even though I am Swedish. ;-) My choice of preference among your production is the massage section, and you have truly made some ground breaking achievements here. My all time favourites are "Sexual exploration" and "Senusal sex massage". I simply have not seen anything like that, anywhere. Hats off! What I am missing is an exploration of the "Nuru massage". Searching the net for "nuru massage" videos is an ongoing disappointment in missed potential. What could be so beautiful is reduced to simple pornos. A proper Nuru massage video in the spririt of "Sexual exploration" and "Senusal sex massage" I believe would be epical and beyond. Give the idea some thought Petter! If you don't fancy it - no big deal. If you do - the next level of erotic massage videos is yours for the taking. All the best! Mats
私はこのサイトと今コメントを残すページを見つけてうれしいです。 サイトは素晴らしいです。 どうして? すべての写真で、尊厳、プライド、自尊心に満ちた女性の独特の美しさが伝えられています。 すべての写真は素晴らしい品質を持っています。 写真を見ると気分が良くなります、 人生は素晴らしく、不思議に満ちています、 女性は素晴らしく、男性として私たちの側から敬意を持って扱われます。 この素晴らしい仕事をありがとう。
I am happy i found this site and now the page, where to leave a comment. The site is wonderful. Why? In all pictures the dignity, pride, the unique beauty of a lady - full of self-esteem - is transported. All pictures have a superb quality. Watching the picture makes me feel, life is great and full of wonders, ladies are great, treated with respect from our side as man. Thank you for this great work.
model ages
まず第一に..これは素晴らしいサイトであり、Hengreはとても良いアーティストです! 私自身写真家として、なぜ年配のカテゴリーのモデルがこれ以上表されないのか疑問に思う必要があります。確かにあなたは若いモデルの素晴らしいセットを持っていますが、そこには美しい年配の人々もたくさんいます。あなたの才能が晩年のモデルから何を引き出すのだろうかと思います。 「50歳未満」のセットの撮影をやめないでください。もう少し伸ばして、モデルの成熟に合わせてフォローしてください。60を超えると、人生は終わりにはほど遠いです。
First and formost..this is a great site and Hengre is a damn good artist! As a photographer myself I have to wonder why there are not more models represented who are of an older age category? Certainly you have a wonderful set of the younger models but there are a lot of beautiful older folk out there too. I have to wonder what your talent would bring out of models in their later years. Don't stop shooting the "under 50" set, stretch a bit more, follow some of your models as they mature...life is far from over when one hits the 60 mark!
Stimulation for new models
こんにちはペッター。これらのモデル(Alla Goddess、Anna Ioannova、Cara Mell、Kristina Makarova)がいつでもあなたのウェブサイトで賞賛できることを願っています。 あけましておめでとう :)
Hello Petter. I wish I could at any time on your website these models (Alla Goddess, Anna Ioannova, Cara Mell and Kristina Makarova) admire. Happy New Year :)
Movie Quality
このサイトはとても素晴らしいです! 私はマッサージが大好きです。 4K品質の映画を作っていただけませんか。3D映画もお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。
This site is so great ! I love the massages. Would you make 4K quality movies and also please, please 3D movies ? Thanks a lot by advance.
Thank you for Eden first nudes gallery
エデンの最初のヌードは私のお気に入りのギャラリーの1つです。これは私がこれまでに見つけた唯一のギャラリーで、モデルに脇毛があります。エデンのラフな脇の下の無精ひげが露出しているこのギャラリーの12枚の写真を探索するのはとても楽しかったです。わきの下が毛むくじゃらの女性モデルのギャラリーをもっとお願いしたいです。 Hegre.comには、自然な体毛を持つモデルのヘアリーカテゴリがすでにあることを理解しています。しかし、これらのギャラリーを探索した後、私はモデルがすべて剃られた脇の下を持っていることを発見しました。私の究極のファンタジーギャラリーは、モデルがさまざまな期間、脇の下の毛や陰毛を剃らないギャラリーです。たとえば、3日間なし、5日間なし、1週間なし、10日間なし、最後に2週間、脇の下や陰毛を剃らないでください。私はそれがいくつかの興味深いギャラリーを作ることができると思います。しかし、これも単なる提案です。 Hegre.comにはすでにモデルの脇の下の高品質の写真がたくさんあるので、私は気難しいことはできません。フィードバックをお読みいただき、誠にありがとうございます。これは私がこれまでに見つけた中で最高のアダルトサイトです。
Eden first nudes is one of my favorite galleries. This is the only gallery that I have found so far in which a model has armpit hair. I very much enjoyed exploring the 12 pictures in this gallery in which Eden's rough armpit stubble is exposed. I would like to request more galleries of female models that have hairy underarms. It is my understanding that Hegre.com already has a hairy category for models that have natural body hair. However after exploring these galleries I've found that the models all have shaven armpits. My ultimate fantasy gallery would be one in which a model doesn't shave her armpit hair or pubic hair for different periods of time. For example 3 days without, 5 days without, one week without, ten days without, and finally 2 weeks without shaving armpits or pubic hair. I think it could make for some interesting galleries. But again it is just a suggestion. Hegre.com already has an abundance of high quality pictures of model's underarms so I can't be picky. Thank you very much for your time reading my feedback. This is the best adult site I've found of all time.
Best adult website I've found to date
This site is packed with high definition photography. The content is all amazing but to me personally what I like finding the most are the photos and videos of girls underarms. The quality of these pictures in particular is the best I've found that cater to armpit fetish. Other websites aren't as good in the quality and content departments. Some of them even upset me by saying what I liked as a consumer was not beautiful. I feel like this site is already giving me what I want and I don't even have to ask. Another category of adult content that I always enjoy finding is videos and pictures of sweaty naked beautiful models. Again the content that I've found is so erotic. I've found many videos and pictures of naked girls soaked in sexy sweat it is such a huge turn on. When my subscription ends I'm definitely purchasing a lifetime membership. By the way I've been having a really good time adding tags of the content I really like and writing mini reviews of the highlights. If this is a nuisance however I can stop thanks again for all the hard work I love this site.
The site is great!
今日は4/1割引で入会しました。サイトは素晴らしいです!女性と男性はほとんどすべて非常にきれいなカットと魅力的です。短くてクリアコーティングされているのではなく、色付きの爪が付いているのはほんのわずかです-私の好みです。しかし、男性は皆、非常に大きな雄鶏を持っているように見えます。 質問があります。男性からのうめき声は射精してからかなり本物のように見えますが、女性のオマンコとGスポーツをマッサージすると、女性からのうめき声と大きな発話は本物ですか? ピーターによる撮影は抜群の時代です!そしてこれはエイプリルフールのジョークです! 素晴らしいサイトをありがとう!
I joined today using the 4/1 discount. The site is great! The women & men are almost all very clean cut & appealing. With only a few with colored nails rather than short & clear coated--my preference. However the men all see to have very large cocks which is discouraging to some of us less well endowed. I have a question. While the moans from men seem quite genuine since they then ejaculate, are the moans & loud utterances from the women genuine when their pussy's & G sport are massaged? The photography by Peter is unexcelled period! And this on April Fool joke! Thank you for a great site!
man to man
こんにちは。美しい人間、女性、男性がいる並外れた上品な場所。 マッサージとタントラのある「男性から男性へ」のセクションもどうですか...? (レズビアンの部分もあるので) お返事を楽しみにしています。ありがとう。
hello. extraordinary classy site with beautiful human beings, females and males. What about a section also "male to male" with massages and tantra...? (as you have also lesbian parts) Looking Forward to your Reply. Thanks.
I don't know how Peter does it. He has photographed the most beautiful women in the world. It does not get any better than his collection !! These women are perfect in every way !! This is the best site on the web !! And, it is getting better every day !! I think that the female body is the most artistic form in the world. The 'High Quality' of Peters photographic talents even enhances the female form !! Both the stills and the videos are Erotic Art at it's ultimate best !! Thank You Peter, I greatly appreciate your work !! Volga
Checking your site has become my daily morning routine. It never fails to excite. Truly amazing!
Hegre the best
ハットソフヘグレ。あなたは最高です.. インドの女の子に会いたい
hatsoff Hegre. You are the best.. Would love to see some Indian girls
私はあなたのサイトを楽しんでいます。私はいくつかの願いがあります。ルバがヨガ映画をするために。 2つ目は、古いモデルのいくつかを復活させることです。 30代の誰かに会えるといいですね。あなたのモデルの多くはポーズをとるのをやめました、そして私は彼らがもう一度興味があるかもしれないことを望みます。 ありがとうございました
I enjoy your site. I have a few wishes .For Luba To do a Yoga film. The second is for you to bring back some of your older models. It would be nice to see someone in there thirties. Many of your models stopped posing and I hope they might be interested in one more time. Thank you
Raw, Natural Expression of Human Intimacy
今日オンラインに大量の露骨なウェブサイトがあるので、Hegre.comを見つけて楽しむことができて本当に光栄です。ここの内容は、「ヌードの卓越性」の哲学に忠実でありながら、常にスリリングで異なっています。 私は特にマッサージの仕事に惹かれました。これは非常に単純に私の空想が生き返ったものです。私はマッサージがどれほどゴージャスで充実していて魅惑的であるかを説明することはできません:これらは信じられるために見られなければなりません。ペッター・ヘグレがこれらの表現力豊かで美しい女性と男性を見つけるのは不思議であり、そのような率直で、遊び心があり、真面目で親密な光の中でそれらを捕らえることは魔法です。 オンラインのアダルトコンテンツの大部分は(私には)強制的で攻撃的であり、人間のセクシュアリティに対する非現実的な期待に焦点を合わせているように見えますが、Hegre.comは女性と男性を芸術的な観点から描写し、実際の精神を視聴者に見せています。見るのはとてつもなく爽やかでソウルフルです。ありがとうP.H.アートとセックスへのあなたの愛のために。
With the massive amount of explicit websites online today, I feel truly privileged to have found and enjoy Hegre.com. The content here is always thrilling and different while staying true to the philosophy of 'excellence in nudes'. I was particularly drawn to this site by the massage work; this is quite simply my fantasies brought to life. I cannot explain how gorgeous, fulfilling and seductive the massages are: these must be seen to be believed. Where Petter Hegre finds these expressive and beautiful women and men is a wonder and to capture them in such a candid, playful, serious and intimate light is magical. While the vast majority of adult content online seems (to me) forced, aggressive and focused on unrealistic expectations of human sexuality, Hegre.com depicts women and men in an artistic light which allows their actual spirit to show through to the viewer. It is immensely refreshing and soulful to see. Thank you P.H. for your love of Art and sex.
Suggestion for the site
I enjoy browsing on your web site. The videos and pictures are very creative and clear. If you may have more contents about smokingmodels (cigarettes with cork), it would be fantastic for the smokingfetishlovers. Thank you!
My wife and I are grateful to you and your site. We have been married for 34 years and your site has reinvigorated our marriage. We were not interested in a porn site. We especially like the male/female photographs and how erotic, artful, and tasteful they are done. The unintended consequence of the good that your site provides is immeasurable.
Pregnant Form
I would love to see the pregnant form enter this website...I think pregnant women are so luscious and beautiful. Massage, tantra, film and shots.....wow, Petter could do wonders with the pregnant form.
1 1
Many compliments for the highly attractive site and content Petter. Every day there is so much viewing pleasure in all the pictures, films and Tantra Massages. The Tantra massages do catch my special attention for the pure complete worship of naked human bodies. My special request is to see a Complete Tantra massage for a male female couple with Serena and Fabi as the naked masseuses.
私が感銘を受けた他の多くのメンバーのように、1か月未満のメンバーだけが、時には圧倒されます。正直な裸のためにブラウジングして、あなたの写真に出くわしました。あなたのサイトでの私の以前の経験は、とても素敵なヌードの女の子だけでした。 裸のカップルの作品を見て、とても魅力的だったのは、それ以上に歓迎すべき驚きでした。人間の存在では、2つの基本的な形しかありません。最も正直な写真は、完全に裸になっている人たちの写真です。すべての明白な議論のために、私たちは遊び、踊り、そして愛情のあるセッションへの好奇心をかき立てたいと思っています。確かに私たちの主な焦点は、一瞬より長く残る芸術的な魅力的な画像にあります。カメラを使った熟練した経験豊富なテクニックは、最も素晴らしいアートを生み出します。 裸のマッサージ師、完全に裸の挑戦的で挑発的なダンス、そしてそのような強い裸のポーズのカップルは、あなたのサイトに間違いなく良い追加であり、私を長い間夢中にさせます。
Only member for less than a month, like many of your other members I am impressed, sometimes overwhelmed. Browsing for honest nakedness I came across your pictures. My previous experience with your site was just about very nice nude girls only. It was a more then welcome surprise to see your work of naked couples, so very attractive. In human existence there are only 2 basic forms. The most honest pictures are of those in complete nakedness together. For all the obvious arguments we do like to arouse our curiosity in playing, dancing and loving sessions. Most certainly our main focus is on artistic attractive images that will remain longer then an instant. Your skilful well experienced techniques with camera’s do produce most amazing art. Naked masseurs, completely nude challenging, provocative dancing and such strong naked posing couples are definitively good additions to your site that will keep me hooked for a long time.
Your site is great love the massage videos I have one suggestion the beautiful massuese in the orgasmic chills( and many others) videos should be used in every video she is very sexy and knows how to get a woman relaxed and make her have intense orgasms! Would love to see her give a massage with less clothes on maybe braless, or in just bra and panties or nude.
私のサブスクリプションは明日期限切れになります。私はあなたのサイトがとても好きです。過去3か月間、私はおそらく30の異なるアダルトサイトを試しました。あなたの写真と技術革新のレベルは絶対に最高です。他の誰も近づいていません。私はMet-ArtとFemjoyを試しましたが、あなたのサイトは明らかに優れています。恒久的に購読するサイトの数を絞り込んでいます。あなたは私のショートリストに載っています。経済的な理由から、一時的に少し削減する必要があります。私がこのコメントを送る主な理由は、Hegre.comが、顧客がアダルトWebサイトで何を見たいかを確実に気にかけているからです。視聴者の皆さんの姿勢に感謝します。どうもありがとう、そして私はすぐに戻ってきます。よろしくお願いします、 ジムS
My subscription expires tomorrow. I do like your site very much. Over the last three months, I've tried probably 30 different adult sites. Your photography and level of technical innovation are absolutely the very best. Nobody else comes close. I've tried Met-Art and Femjoy and your site is clearly superior. I'm narrowing down the number of sites that I will permanently subscribe to, and you are on my short list. For financial reasons, I have to temporarily cut back a little. The main reason that I send this comment is that Hegre.com definitely cares about what the customer wants to see in an adult web site. I appreciate this attitude that you have for the viewer. Many thanks, and I'll be back soon. Best regards, Jim S
Keep up the good work
Recently I tried another site. It was a waste of time and some money. Glad to be back. Sensual, erotic, sometimes cheerful. Good quality in great detail. The models seem natural, including small irregularities. They show themselves as real people, not Photoshoppies. I'm very fond of the tantric videos. The sets in which both male and female models appear are great. Hegre's work is erotic, sometimes very hot, yet never pornographic. Why should pictures of beautiful naked people be pornographic?
New member's impression
私はあなたのサイトの質に絶対に驚いています。 1時間のツアーの後、Hegre.comは他のパックよりも頭と肩が優れていると言えます。私はあなたの写真の品質に特に感銘を受けました。
I'm absolutely blown away by the quality of your site. After an hour's tour I can say that Hegre.com is head and shoulders better than the rest of the pack out there! I'm particularly impressed with the quality of your photography.
Women of colour
優れたサイト、すべての芸術的要素、モデル、照明、場所の優れた使用。今サイトでいくつかの暗いモデルを見るのは素晴らしいことです。 あなたが世界中にいるのを見るのは素晴らしいことです。インドのフィジーやスリランカ、ドバイ、湾岸地域にも行くことをお勧めします。そこには素晴らしい「色の女性」がいます。私はそれらについて最も性的に魅力的なことはそれらが魅力的であるだけでなく、それらは非常にきれいなものから非常に暗いものまでそしてその間のすべてのものまで肌のトンが非常に異なることを見つけます。ドバイなどの中東地域の女性の顔色とオリーブ色の肌も大好きです
An excellent site, great use of every artistic element, models, lighting, location. Great to see some darker models on the site now. Great to see you have been around the world. May I suggest you go to Fiji, India and or Sri-lanka, Dubai or the Gulf region too, there are some great 'women of Colour' there. I find the most sexually attractive thing about them not only are they attractive, but they vary so much in skin tonne from very fair to very dark and everything inbetween. I also love the complexion and olive skin of some of the women in the Middle East areas such as Dubai
New Set with Anna S, Caprice & Valerie?
アンナS、アンジェリカ、パウリナのスタイルのアンナS、カプリス&ヴァレリー(完全に裸)のセットSが欲しい-120枚以上の画像を持つ3P。それは夢でしょう。 :) ^ ^
I want a set S with Anna S, Caprice & Valerie (completely naked), in the style of Anna S, Angelica and Paulina - Threesome with more than 120 images. That would be a dream. :) ^ ^
My sympathies to you Petter and all the people of Norway over the recent tragedy.
what makes the difference
There are hundreds of websites where "photographers" present their work in nude photography, but there is only one hegre.com. What makes the difference? Is it the models? Is it the professional gear? Is it the knowledge of frame setting, of light setup, ...? I think the sum of all makes this site so special and unique; but first of all a master like Petter. Easy to see that for him it is much more than just "making money". Thank you, Petter :)
ピーター、女性の体を撮影するあなたの能力は絶対に優れています。もちろん、この芸術的なヌードのジャンルには他の有能な写真家がいますが、多くはそれほど徹底的ではありません。他の大きな芸術的なヌードのウェブサイトのいくつかは一見の価値がありますが、いくつかの領域では不十分です。 私は屋外での写真撮影の大ファンではありません。ほとんどの屋外での撮影では、画像が光で飽和状態になり、写真家やモデルにとっては斬新な冒険のようです。屋外での撮影の多くは、日陰を使用して夕暮れ時に撮影することで、より高品質になります。または夜明け。これはどういうわけかゴミの屋外写真セットを作成する他の多くの写真家を逃れます。 私の意見では、あなたのスタジオ撮影は完璧またはほぼ完璧なコントラストではるかに優れています。屋内撮影を制御するのははるかに簡単ですが、大規模なサイトの多くの写真家はこれを正しく管理することさえできません。 4、5年前に会員になって以来、サイトは大幅に改善されました。クラシックなルバの本を購入した後、初めてあなたのサイトを知りました。ジャーナルのフォーマットとさまざまなダウンロードとzipのサイズは素晴らしいです。マッサージのビデオを忘れてください。あなたのサイトにはたくさんのお気に入りの女性がいますが、言及するのは多すぎます。'69ダッジチャージャーも私のお気に入りの車の1つで、いい選択です。 女性のポートレートとフィギュアのアマチュアエアブラシアーティストである私は、芸術的なヌード写真の品質に関して非常に見識があります。最高のものだけで十分です。 Hegre.comのすべての最高のピーター、ルバ、そしてすべての素晴らしい女性。
Peter,your ability to photograph the female body is absolutely outstanding.There are other capable photographers in this artistic nude genre of course but many are less thorough.Some of the other large artistic nude websites are worth a look but fall short in some areas. I am not a major fan of outdoor photo shoots.Most outdoor shoots leave the images saturated with light and seem to be more of a novel adventure for photographer and models.Many of your outdoor shoots Peter are of higher quality using shade and shooting at dusk or dawn.This somehow escapes many other photographers who create rubbish outdoor photo sets. In my opinion your studio shoots are far superior with perfect or near perfect contrast.Much easier to control an indoor shoot,though many photographers on big time sites cannot even manage this correctly. The site has improved a great deal since the last time i was a member four or five years ago.I first learned of your site after buying Luba's book which is a classic.The journal format and various download and zip sizes are great,not to forget the massage videos.I have many favourite ladies on your site,too many to mention.The '69 Dodge Charger is also one of my favourite cars,nice choice. Being an amateur airbrush artist in female portrait and figure has made me very discerning with regards to quality in artistic nude photography.Only the best will suffice. All the best Peter,Luba & all the fine ladies on Hegre.com.
Love it (and suggestion)
私はあなたのビデオが大好きです!特にオルガスムで終わるマッサージ(私にとって最も美しいのは女性のオルガスムです)。 オルガスムが達成された場合、各ビデオに明示的にタグを付けることは非常に役立つと思います。また、女性の喜び(うめき声/呼吸など)を聞くのはとてもエロティックなので、この時期にも音楽を少し下げておくといいでしょう。素晴らしいサイトをありがとう!
I absolutely love your videos! Especially the massages ending with an orgasm (the most beautiful thing in the wold to me is the female orgasm). I think it would be very helpful to have each video explicitly tagged if an orgasm is achieved. I also agree that hearing the women's pleasure (moans/breathing/etc.) is so erotic, it would be nice to turn down the music a bit during these times as well. Thanks for a great site!
interview films
あなたの親密なインタビュー映画はファーストクラスです。私はオレナOとの映画を本当に楽しんでいます。私はこれらのタイプの映画をもっと見たいです。バリエーションには限定的ですがより詳細な説明/デモンストレーションなどが含まれる場合があります。よくやった、良い仕事を続けてください ロブh。
Your intimate interview films are first class.I really enjoyrd the film with Olena O.I would love to see more of these types of film.Variations might include limited but more detailed descriptions/demonstrations.etc. Well done, keep up the good work rob h.
素晴らしいウェブサイト、そして私はあなたがセックスシーンに行き過ぎないという事実が好きです-それを官能的でありながら上品に保ちなさい、それが鍵です。私はあなたに挑戦を発行します....イスラム諸国からのいくつかのモデルはどうですか?今、あなたには挑戦があります...ただ逮捕されないでください! (ちなみに、バリはインドネシア内のイスラム教徒ではなく、主にヒンズー教の島です)。
Great website, and I like the fact that you don't go too far with sex scenes - keep it sensual but tasteful, that's the key. I issue you a challenge though....how about some models from muslim countries? Now there's a challenge for you...just don't get arrested! (Bali by the way is a predominantly Hindu island, not muslim, within Indonesia).
Japan Models
Frage: Warum sind die meisten japanischen Hegre-Modelle mit unrasierter Muschi ?
Missing models
I really appreciate the many models you have from Japan, but there is a huge gap in the selection: no models from China or Hong Kong! Do they not qualify as beautiful?
親愛なる「ヘグレ」、 時々あなたの写真はハードコアポルノに危険なほど近づきます。しかし、セットアップ、非常に見栄えの良いモデル、および技術基準のために、私はまだそれらを「上品」と認識しています。 あなたの最後のギャラリー、AK47は明らかに国境を越えました。自動銃で自慰行為をしているコンバットブーツの裸の女の子は、安いテーブルの下のポルノ雑誌の価値がありますが、あなたのものではありません。 少し混乱しています... galwin
Dear "Hegre", Sometimes your photos come dangerously close to hard core porn. But due to the set-up, the very good looking models and the technical standard I still perceive them as "classy". Your last gallery, the AK47, clearly crossed the border. A nude girl in combat boots, masturbating with an automatic gun is worth some cheap under-the-table porn magazin, but not yours. A little bit confused...galwin
shooting or filming in the rain
あなたのサイトは数え切れないほどの美しい写真やビデオで本当に素晴らしいです。ただし、屋外の暖かいレインシャワーで、モデルまたはモデルが誕生日のスーツの上にシースルーのプラスチック製のレインコートを着て、戦争の雨を浴びて撮影(写真またはビデオ)してほしい。これは可能だと思いますか? 敬具 ロルフ
Your site is really great with uncountless beautiful pictures and videos. However, I would like you to do a shooting (photos or video) outdoors in a warm rainshower with the model or the models wearing seethrough plastic raincoats over their birthday suits and enjoing the war rain. Do you think this may be possible? Kind regards Rolf
Nude models in sport or in dance
I enjoy browsing on your web site. The videos and pictures are very creative and clear. If you may have more contents about models in sport or in dance, it would be more delightful. Thank you for your effort to bring much joy to us.
Exquisite nudes Petter! Thank you for your work! And a humble request: Would love to see some "lost" archival photos of Mona if they exist!
親愛なるペッター、 最近の日本のシリーズおめでとうございます。私は長い間日本の女性を愛してきました、そして彼らがあなた自身の独特の、エッジの効いたスタイルで写真を撮られるのを見るのは本当の楽しみです!もっとアジアのモデルをお願いします(そしてもちろん、もっとムリエル!) ありがとう、 BB
Dear Petter, Congratulations on the recent Japanese series. I've long been an admirer of Japanese women, and to see them photographed in your own inimitable, edgy style is a real treat! More Asian models please (and of course, more Muriel!) Thanks, BB
Male Ejaculation
あなたの陰茎崇拝のビデオクリップのいくつかはHOTHOTHOTです。しかし、彼らはとても長い間持ちこたえていますが、こんなに長いセッションの後、モデルと一緒に働いている彼に崇拝されている間、私たちが美しい射精シーンを見ることができれば、それは非常に「私の心の中で芸術的」でしょう。 男のペニスを射精する美女ほど綺麗なものはありません。 これを実現させてください。 ありがとう........そしてあなたのサイトはとても明確で純粋にエロティックです。しかし、「射精」シーンのために投稿され続けます。 :)それのために行きなさい...それは多くを幸せにするでしょう。
A few you your Penis worship video clips are HOT HOT HOT. However, though the guys hold out for such a long time; it would be very 'artistic in my mind' if after such a long session, we could see a beautiful ejaculation scene while he is worshiped by the model working with him. Nothing is finer than a beautiful woman massaging a man's penis to ejaculation. Please make this happen. Thank You........and your site is so clear and just purely erotic. Will keep posted for the 'ejaculation' scene though. :) Go for it...it will make many happy.
More Luba!
ルバは私が今まで見た中で最も美しい女性の一人です。彼女は死ぬほどの形をしていて、奇妙なことに彼女は写真の中で微笑んで私を送り出します! ラッキー男 :-)
Luba is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She has a shape to die for, and the odd times she smiles in a picture it sends me off! Lucky man :-)
Great Website
If you are a true lover of the beauty and artistry of the female nude as I am, you have to become a member of Hegre.com.
Hegre.comは、私の正直な意見では、ウェブ上で最も素晴らしいサイトです。他のいくつかの高評価のサイトに行ったことがありますが、このサイトに匹敵するものはありません。キャプチャした瞬間から、すべての驚くべき高品質まで。仕事 ありがとう、そして私はいつも他のどのサイトよりもこのサイトを選びます
Hegre.com is simply the most amazing site on the web in my honest opinion I've been to several other highly rated sites and nothing.. nothing compares to this site.. from the moments you capture to the stunning high quality of all your work thank you and I will always choose this site over any other
Quiero felicitarte, eres un excelente fotografo, sin lugar a duda esta es la mejor web de este tipo.
My Tribute to Luba in The Ultimate Female
I have been a Hegre.com member for almost a year and have thoroughly studied mostly all of the nudes on this site and have over the years become a connoisseur of the female nude. In all the nudes I have seen in my time, I consider Luba's Ultimate Female to be the finest and most beautiful presentation of the female nude I have ever seen. It the perfect combination of an amazing woman, wonderful poses, a great pictorial study of the female body and the detail that tops it off, those great, sexy black high heel pumps that Luba wears. There is nothing like Luba nude wearing only a pair of sexy black pumps. It is the perfect complimentary accessory for Luba and for a naked woman to wear in general. Luba's form is so amazing with her curves and terrific linear definition in her body. The way she positions herself and poses in this set creates absolutely fabulous still-life nudes that gives the viewer a wonderful chance to appreciate every detail of the beauty of the female body. Her pumps add that perfect erotic sexiness to the nudes as it makes her statuesque, elongates her great legs and makes her butt look amazing! I am a true lover of nude women being photographed wearing only high heels. It is the perfect combination of their beauty and the acessory women love to wear the most. The legendary photographer Helmut Newton believed that a woman is not nude unless she is wearing a pair of high heels. That is my sentiments exactly. They truly make a woman sexy and powerful. This is why Luba's Ultimate Female is a classic. I hope Luba will consider doing an Ultimate Female Part Two wearing only a pair of sexy pumps as a tribute for members. Luba, you are a true work of art and one of a kind!
Hotel Basico - Mexiko
ベッドに5モデルが登場する5日目からのセットアップデートMexicoHotel Basicoはいつ登場するのか、もう待ちきれません。
Wann erscheint das Set-Update Mexiko Hotel Basico aus dem fünften Tag mit den 5 Models auf dem Bett, kann es nicht mehr erwarten.
Hotel Basico - Mexiko
Hotel Basicoを使用したメキシコの5つのモデルのシリーズのギャラリーはいつですか?もう我慢できない! このギャラリーのために多くを約束します。
When is the gallery of the series of five models in Mexico with the Hotel Basico? Can not stand it any more! For this gallery promises a lot.
sylvie; hair
Why do girls keep hair on their bodies? I think that all pudenda should be well taken care of, that is to say, shaved. Girls shave their legs, shave their underarms, why should their most intimate part be any different?
Nika is a vision of beauty that only few may see. Her pics are superior to any I have ever seen. Thank you so much
“Petter, you just get better and better. Your eye for beauty is keen, and your creativity seems limitless. Your models are amazing. Anna S has been a long time favorite but you have found a star with Stasha as well. Stasha's new movie was the reason I had to write. The use of light and shadow in the Stars and Stripes gallery makes it a masterpiece! Keep up the amazing work. I will always remain a loyal subscriber and admirer.”
私はこの素晴らしいウェブサイトで私が見失っているものを見るためにたった1ヶ月しか試みないので、私は悲しいです。 トップベイブだけではありません。全体のウェブサイトです。 ここで私は安いPICSを見つけることは決してありません。 おめでとうペッター!そして、私はすぐに戻ってきます。
I'm sad, because I only try one month to see what I'm losing to see in this MARVELOUS website. Is not just the TOP BABES. IS THE ENTIRE WEBSITE. Here I never will find CHEAP PICS. CONGRATULATIONS PETTER!! and I"LL BE BACK SOON.
The Best
すでにインターネット上で見られる最高のサイトで、高品質のコンテンツと素晴らしい仕事があり、常に素晴らしい女性がいます。「画像のセットだけでなく、本物の女性は自然で、欠陥さえあります...それがこのサイトを特別なものにしているのです! おめでとうございます、そして素晴らしい写真!常にこのサイトを最高のものとして指摘してください! 抱擁
Best site already seen on the internet, with content of high quality, and great job, always with wonderful women, real - not just "set of images - real women au naturel, even defective ... That's what makes this site special! Congratulations for the hard work, and spectacular photos! Always point out this site as the best! Hugs
Svebaは、歴史を通して古典的にリストされているすべての美しい女性をリングから一掃します。この女の子は、モナリザのすべての落ち着きとイニグマ、クレオパトラとトロイのヘレネーの美しさ、7アンジェリーナジョイリーのせん断性的磁気、そしていくつかを持っています!彼女は素晴らしいです! 彼女はもはやあなたのモデルではないのは残念です。
Sveba knocks all classically listed beautiful women throughout history clean out of the ring . This lass has all the poise & inigma of the Mona Lisa , the beauty of Cleopatra & Helen of Troy ,7 the shear sexual magnetism of Angelina Joilie & then some ! she's stunning !! Shame she no longer is your model .
shooting some japanese girls will have your site to have more diversity.
“Hegre.com has effortlessly earned my Platinum Collection accolade - a special honour reserved for only the 10 best erotic nude sites on the web! It is unquestionably a market leader in terms of quality content, user interface, updates and technology, ensuring it offers it's members incredible value for money. I had extreme pleasure reviewing this site.”
mmmm very very tasty stuff!
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for Silvie! She is exactly what I've been looking for. Its the most refreshing thing to see a real woman embracing being a woman, not a girl. Body hair is a very feminine thing that should be appreciated; so thank you again for appreciating it! I'm excited to see much more of her and hope she doesn't change a thing!
Gabby is a dream come true .. her olive skin & her big beautiful breast drive me wild .... i love that she has curves and isn't scrawny like many of the other models on your site .. would be nice to see more girl like her here on your site : the ethnic girls ... fit, slender & voluptuous in all the right places ...
What are the "old models" doing?
Those who join Hegre.com for some years already know the former darlings like Gislane, Marketa, ... What are they doing today? I think quite some members might be interrested in occasional updates and maybe re-visits of former loves?
I'm japanese. I want to look the nude of japanese, chinese, and the other oriental girls. please look for beautiful these girls.
I want to see nude sports like figure-skating, gymnastics, golf, and tennis. please find beautiful girls who can play these sports well.
私はムリエルに恋をしています、私は彼女に会いたくてたまらないです、私は彼女がアルゲンにいた時から彼女をフォローしてきました salu2
Estoy enamorado de Muriel, muero por conocerla, la sigo desde que estaba en Argen salu2
“There is a big difference between porn and art. Hegre defines the female anatomy in its pure art-form. The pictures are like fish aquariums that help me relax when I’m stressed.”
trabajando en tu casa
hello petter im a worked in your new homme.weno un saludo preciosa pagina y preciosa casa!! see you lated
“I must appreciate your extreme passion to devote your eye for the esteemed natural pure nudity. models like muriel, catherine are absolutely stunning to behold the integrity of human natural explisitness”
Petter's work
Hi Petter, your work is extraordinary good, I love your taste and the way you encourage the models to work with you! You have taste, a certain sensitivity and you've won an admirer of your art work. Thank you and take care. P.S. how do you get these georgous woman? Do they call you? Or drop their pics or you see them on the street????
Love your work, and tell Luba she is the hottest thing since apple pie
Petter, you’ve saved my day. These photos are exactly what I needed. I wonder where you find such adorable young models.
Dominika C
こんにちはペッター あなたの新しいモデルのドミニカCはとても素晴らしいです、私はあなたが彼女と一緒にもっとたくさんの写真シリーズを作ることを願っています、それはあなたがした素晴らしい仕事です、そしてドミニカCは確かに素晴らしいモデルです。 彼女は私があなたのサイトで持っている最高のモデルなので、もっと彼女を見てみましょう。
Hi Petter Your new model Dominika C is so amazing, i hope you will make lots more photo serie whit her, its a great job you did and Dominika C sure is a wonderful model. She is the best model i have on your site so lets see much more of her.
I’ve been a member of your site for two months now, and I think your photography is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. The sheer beauty of your models is breathtaking. Thanks and keep up the good work!
I just joined yesterday for a year. Looking forward to it!
Petter Hegre´s work combines elements of surrealism and erotic photography with humor.
Olena O Intimate Interview
こんにちは、みんな、 なんて信じられないほど美しい映画でしょう。 オレナは信じられないほどオープンで正直な女性であり、真の美しさです。何人の人が彼女に「恋をしている」のか想像さえできません。実際に彼女に会えて本当に嬉しいです。彼女はとてもさわやかで正直で、もちろん、とても美しいです。彼女が将来何をしようと決心したとしても、私は彼女にすべての幸せを願っています。 Hegre.comのすべてに感謝します。愛と最高の願い、ブレンxx
Hi all, What an incredibly beautiful film ! Olena is an incredibly open and honest lady, a true beauty. I can't even begin to imagine how many people are "in love" with her. It would be a real pleasure to actually meet her. She is so refreshingly honest, and, of course, utterly beautiful. Whatever she decides to do in the future I wish her every happiness. Thanks to all at Hegre.com. Love and best wishes, Bren xx
Your photography of the women that are “naturally” beautiful, in natural settings is simply fantastic.
“After picking up what I wanted, I canceled my subscription to Hegre.com. Within a few hours it was acknowledged via email, and confirmed a second time the following day. With that I can say with certitude that everything -- I repeat, everything -- claimed by Hegre.com was delivered. There are no practical restrictions to bandwidth. The Hegre.com servers are robust -- I hooked up briefly on a 3 Mbps line (that's fast for most of the U.S.) and the servers stepped right up to meet my bandwidth. Other sites make such claims but few actually deliver. There is also no restriction on connect-time; my download manager ran without a glitch for many hours. Also, the Hegre.com servers are very polite about reconnecting when connections are cut for reasons beyond their control (we had a 40-minute power-outage). I was able to pickup three download jobs right in process, where they left off! The interface is simple and straightforward. None of that typical nonsense where you have trouble figuring out how to initiate downloads. The interface is simple but it is complex enough to allow anyone to pick and choose exactly what is wanted without a lot of work. No bait-and-switch gimmicks. Members can go directly to whatever they want without annoying marketing scams. In a marketplace where duplicity is common, it is a pleasure to do business with some honest, hard-working folks! Judging the content itself is more of a subjective matter, but I think it's fabulous. And it's all original. What more can I say? Vika, Naomi, Gislane... My main interest was in the films. That is not yet the strength of Hegre.com but there was clear evidence of impressive improvement (technically and artistically) over time. Many of the later films are truly impressive. It is rare to have the combination of technical prowess, artistic intimacy and honesty, combined with that rarest of all "commodities", outrageously gorgeous girls. Thanks.”
ミアはすごい!彼女は本当に天国に送られます! -MT
Mia is amazing! She is truly heaven sent! -MT
Mas de PAULINA por favor
"This site has a very high standard for its content will not disappoint."
今日、私はあなたのサイトに参加しました。あなたは私の目を開いただけでなく、私の心も開いたのです! – Ulrich Hermann、ドイツあなたの写真は私を驚かせ続けています。完璧な状態を達成することが可能であれば、あなたは確かにその頂点に到達しています。
Today I joined your site. You did not only open my eyes but also my heart! – Ulrich Hermann, Germany Your photography continues to astonish me. If it’s possible to achieve a state of perfection, you’ve certainly reached that pinnacle.
Wow!!! This is outstanding!!! This has to be one of the best series ever! Simply breathtaking!
Your site just gets better and better...Obviously you are worth supporting and encouraging.
Thanks for your wonderful pictures as well as for your models. I never saw such beautiful girls. The best in the World!!!! I am Italian, so I like young women J and your site is the best place where girls are perfect in beauty. Your photos are masterpieces!
Bravo! Excellent taste! I must compliment you on the fine and tasteful depiction of the beautiful female form.
“I have sincerely enjoyed all of the photographs from your site. I was very hesitant to join, and this is the only "adult" venue I have actually spent money in - but I am in no way disappointed. The pictures are of the highest quality, both aesthetically and technically. I am especially enamored of Katya, who to me is absolutely gorgeous and incredibly desirable.”
"The sweetest erotic girls from all over the world, gathered in one place"
Anna S. and Evi
Evi and Anna S: when the female beauty to burst out in all of his deprived sexuality of inhibiting bonds, that Petter Hegre knows how to magistrally remove (you see Evi german muses and Anna S in Hot tub and, for the time being, set s table)
I really like your website - everything about it – the girls, the philosophy, the great photography, the well-organized structure -- all is done in a highly professional and pleasant style. Best wishes from Germany!
Good God, man! Angels do exist! You must share more of this incredible girl, Katya! Thank you and the Good Lord for her!
Petter, your photography is fantastic. There is not a site that can even begin to compare with your brilliance.
Dem Thema Fotoausrüstung kann ich nur beiwohnen. Sicher ist ein ambitionierter Hobbyfotograf etwas eingeschränkt, denn die richtige Ausrüstung kostet Unsummen! Es ist jedoch toll, wenn Webseiten mehrsprachig ausgelegt sind, daher versteht man auch besser den Inhalt der Seite!
“Recently stumbling upon your site has brought an unfound pleasure to my world of beauty and a new appreciation for my body. Now I have a new understanding for the flower between my thighs and the tiny blossoms on my chest!”
There is a fabulous and unrepentantly beautiful web presence in the form of the Hegre-Archives which Temple2 will have the pleasure and privilege to promote and raise awareness of from now on. This web-site is not for the weak of spirit or faint of heart. Art lovers, artists and free spirits will find a true home amongst its lavish beauty. In the spirit of other fine-art erotic photographers such as David Hamilton, or Kirk Clendinning, Petter Hegre exposes the raw, un-premeditated natural beauty of the eternal feminine. This Goddess energy is very special and life-enhancing, as any visit to the archives will reveal. Also, the interesting life story of this photographer and his picture-perfect romance and union with one of his beautiful, top-models will leave any astute observer filled with hope for the twenty-first century! Please visit, support and tell your loved ones about this very special and mature website. The internet presence of Petter Hegre enhances any erotic sensibility, and will leave the beholder breath-taken and fully enriched.
“I've been a member of your site for a few months now and just wanted to let you know how much I love your site. This latest special showcasing your gorgeous wife Luba is especially magnificent. She is definitely the most beautiful figure model anyone has ever photographed. Let me say hi to Luba too at this moment. Luba, the photographs you've been taking are equally impressive. You both capture the true beauty of the female form at its best.”
very very nice
The best erotic series I’ve ever seen.
Your site is excellent and very high quality. I actually prefer your photography to the likes of David Hamilton, who I find very dated. Keep up the good work!
More Lune
Petter, Lune is dominating the gallery polls. I think we need new photo shoots and films of Lune. She is definitely one of the sexiest and most polished of your models. A very classy woman.
I've been a member of your website for a few months now and it just keeps getting better. I've been away at sea for the last few weeks and I couldn't wait to log-on when I got back. Keep the pictures of Anne, Katya and Luba (& her sister) coming - three very different women who could easily compete for the position of 'World's Most Beautiful Woman'. As always, your photographic genius displays the beauty of women to its best advantage. You are a real maestro.
You and your models are incredible. An amazing combination of great technique, sensuality and beauty!
“The beauty of women in its purest form!”
"The Hegre-Archives sets the standard for artistic sites on the Internet."
Anna S & Evi are perfect 10s!
Thanks for the great photography and for showing us their true beauty!
おお、あなたは私を殺すつもりです!すべての女の子は素敵なペアでとても素晴らしいです!ビデオクリップを見せてください! –香港のスティーブン・ユエン、memberUnreal。素晴らしいショット。そんな美しさの中で、どうやってカメラを安定させることができるのかわかりません。あなたは地球上で最高の仕事をしています。もっとSvebaをお願いします!
O you are going to kill me! All the girls are so great with nice pairs! You must show me the video clip! – Steven Yuen in Hong Kong, memberUnreal. Awesome shots. I don’t know how you can hold the camera steady in the presence of such beauty. You have the greatest job on earth. More Sveba, please!
Jula - Hegre.com
完璧なファム。 11/10。限目。
The perfect femme . 11/10 . period.
sofie deserves a warm massage by a sensuos masseuse NOW!!!
nude photos
私はあなたがとても好きです:sヌード写真tkank u
I like very much your:s nude photograph tkank u
A True Aficionado of the Female Form
Petter is the best photographer of the nude female form. He never ceases to find the unique beauty in each model. Just as he never tires of capturing such beauty, I never tire enjoying his work.
i need to say : luba is probably the most beautiful girl on earth
“It’s nice to see the models smiling and enjoying the work. Many of us only dream of this kind of work, and you do it so well!”
Good Morning!!!!
Its great, every time i go this site. awesome ,terrific and beautiful models..
Great site (especially Yanna)
すごい仕事。ほとんどの場合、写真は一流です。嫉妬深い仕事のように見えますが、毎日締め切りに間に合わせるためにあらゆる種類の人々に対応するのは大変な仕事だと思います。それでも、あなたは多くの人々を幸せにします。 1つの提案:Yanna.comという姉妹サイトはどうですか? :-)
Great work. The photography is first rate, for the most part. Even though it looks like an envious job, I bet it's alot of work, dealing with all kinds of people to meet deadlines every day. Still, you make alot of people happy. One suggestion: how about a sister site called Yanna.com ? :-)
"Unbelievably beautiful girls. It's an online library created with the immaculate precision that only Petter Hegre can attain.
Petter Hegre is one of the brightest stars in the realm of art photography. Perhaps, not since David Hamilton hit the scene in the seventies, has the art world been so smitten. His images are so profound in their composition and print quality; his subjects so perfect, so pure, and so unbelievably beautiful, they prance about as emblems of youthful perfection. Right now, Hegre’s got it…and everybody wants it.
Alya - Mr Right
Is the black and white photo in the Alya - Mr Right really Alya. I can't believe how beautiful she is in that photo.
“Thanks to your visions and visual artistry, I have become one of your greatest fans. Your work is beyond art and photography! Sure I see the beautiful, naked women, but I see past that now. It's so much more…When I'm on your site and looking at your works of passion, I almost feel like I'm on another planet – The Temple of Hegre - basking in the beauty of the female form. God, you’re good, man! Thanks for doing what you do. The world would be a waste without your talent. Thanks. Keep up the beauty.”
ルバはとても甘いです!!!幸運な野郎をペッター:P。 アブラソス
Luba is so sweet!!! Petter you lucky bastard :P. Abraços
Thank you for all the pics! The Luba Week was great and it makes me want to see more of your gorgeous girls! Tatiana in the Hammock series is great too – nice pics of a beautiful girl, especially the sleeping ones. Best site in the world with that kind of content!
I am a young man from India who has only dreamed what you have already achieved. If God gave me one wish I would wish to be your assistant for a few days and learn while you worked! Splendid!!!! Excellent conceptualization!!! You are the best!!! It is just like a dream for me.
DVDs to purchase
I am always looking to purchase DVDs of beautful photographed nude models. Do you have DVDs for sale that I could buy? I live in U.S.A.
素晴らしい自然で健康的な女の子。プレイボーイで見つけた修正されたものよりも優れたプリント。 –シェーン・ダックワース過去数週間に100万のウェブサイトを閲覧した後、今日参加しました。今、私は人生のファンです!
Great natural, healthy looking girls. Superior prints rather than the touched-up stuff you find on Playboy. – Shane Duckworth I just joined today after surfing a million websites over the past few weeks. Now I am a fan for life!
The print that you sent arrived today. Thank you! I was very pleased to see that the photo was of your own dear Luba. I still can’t understand how you can share such a rare treasure with the world, but I’m certainly glad you have chosen to do so!
Master Hegre, your photography skills and taste in women are impeccable. I'm a new member and am blown away by the quality and sensual energy of your work. You sir know exactly what makes each model unique and photograph them in the most flattering compositions. The series with photos of Marina are my favorite right now, as I just started as a member. I'll need more time to view more of your work in the coming weeks. Playboy pictorials now seem like vapid cardboard. Hef has nothing on you...you da man!
“Yesterday I joined your Site and after viewing a few hundred pictures I have come to the conclusion that these are the best pictures I have seen on the Internet so far!”
Man! You're the best in making deals with beautiful girls to get them to pose naked!
for olesya
olesyaは最も美しい女の子です 私は彼女の目を愛しています 彼女を追加してくれてありがとう
olesya is a most beautiful girl i love's her eyes and thank u because u r adding her
Delightfully wholesome and sinfully sexy all in one – this book is fantastically great!
Your works are absolutely outstanding! I am especially impressed with your artistic command of studies in Black and White. The shading and light mixture makes for a unique composition. Great work!
“One day I happen upon this website, and found something really out of sight. Beauty here and beauty there, and something that's beyond compare. But then a thought I had to deploy, this is not Playboy. Then I met this Master with his beautiful angels of many, I thought this is good as any. And having met Petter, Luba, and the rest, this site is really the best.”
i just want the photographer to know that his work is absolutely amazing! these are the most classy nude pictures i've ever scene. for the fisrt time in my life i can say that it is actually art. my favorites are the nature pictures and the pictures inside a historic house. no don't even notice the nudity. i am all about art, nature, and things that look pure. it is definitely captured in all the photoghaphs. the art of those pictures actually made me want to pose nude. strictly for art and strictly to make a statment, not for magazines or anything like that. keep up the classic work of art petter hegre!
Words cannot express my feelings when I looked at those beautiful young women in all their glory.
素晴らしい写真、アーティストと美しいモデルの皆さん、おめでとうございます。私は恋に落ちたと言わなければなりませんギスレーンの、ミューズです。 さようなら
Excelentes fotografías, felicitaciones al artista y a las modelos bellísimas. Debo decir que me enamoré de Gislane, es una musa. Good Bye
“Hopefully I can curse here because holy f*** is this place ever amazing. If sites could be plated in gold I'd be wearing sunglasses right now. Great work.”
The pictures are scarily intimate!
I just watched your film “Irina on Red Sofa.” BEAUTIFUL is the only word I can find to describe it. Not only is Irina one of the most gorgeous models you have ever featured, but the poses are OUTSTANDING. MAGNIFICENT work!
Norsk Medlem
私の好みに合ったウェブサイトを数年探した後、私はついにそれを見つけました、そしてそれをすべて締めくくりに、その後ろにノーマンがいました! 時間の経過とともにサイトの数のメンバーで少し着用し、唯一のアメリカポルノ映画の最貧における属し服や靴を身に着けて見て「ポルノ女の子」のお粗末な写真について私を悩ませてきました。 Såついに私は、写真と女の子が見たいように含まれているこの素晴らしいサイトに出くわしました。幻想的で、美味しく、素晴らしい写真、美しい女の子など。ついに! ノルウェーを応援し、Petter and&Oslashに感謝します。素晴らしいページを提供してくれました。 s&aringを続ける; nn :-D
Etter en del års leting etter en nettside som passer min smak har jeg endelig funnet den og til alt overmål var en normann som stod bak ! Har vært medlem av en del sider gjennom tiden og irritert meg over elendig fotografering av "pornobabes" som ser lit utgåtte og slitene ut gjerne med klær og sko som bare hører hjemme i de dårligste av amerikanske porno filmer. Så endelig detter jeg over denne fantastiske siden som inneholder bilder og jenter akkurat som man helst vil se det. Fantastisk, god smak, flotte bilder, nydelige jenter osv.osv ENDELIG ! Heia Norge og takk til Petter og Øyvind for en glimmrende side. fortsett sånn :-D
Jessica Alba
Your models are beautiful, and my favourite Helena Karel, is a knockout, but you are lacking one woman who should be here, and that is Jessica Alba. She may not have done nude work before, but that didn't stop some of the shy girls on this site becoming 'naturals' in front of the camera. I recommend that your people get in touch with her people-you won't regret it.
All my best to you – AND TO LUBA. She is absolutely stunning, and quite frankly one of the reasons I joined the site in the first place.
This is the most perfect site on the net I’ve ever seen. It’s too much good. The girls are more than beautiful. In this site, everything is excellent.
Vikaシリーズおめでとうございます!彼らはただ素晴らしいです!ビカは天使です!おめでとうございます!多くの写真家が持っていないように、あなたは本当のエロティシズムにただ目を向けています!それはあなたがそうであるように優秀な写真家、非常に美しいモデル、女性への愛情(そうだと思いますよね?!)、そして特にヌード写真と素晴らしいポルノのミックス(あまりにもそうではありませんが)からの完璧なミックスです多くの-これは退屈だろうから-しかし、あなたの写真を次のような感覚で見るには十分です: 'うわー、それは素晴らしいです!')それを続けてください!
Congratulations on the Vika-Series! They are just wonderful! Vika is an angel! Congratulations also on all your work! You have just an eye for real eroticism as not many photographers have!! It's the perfect mix from an excellent photographer as you are, very beautiful models, the love for woman (I would bet it is so, isn't it?!), and especially the mix of nude photography and great pornography (though not too much - because this would be boring - but enough to look at your pics with the feeling: 'Wow, that's great!') Keep it up!
Elle n'est pas seulement superbe, elle a un magnifique sourire...
I so enjoy the beauty of the young women you photograph.
Thank you, sir, for your wizardry. Your site is a magical joyride. I’m hooked.
realmente maravillosa vuestra pagina
“Hi Petter... just a general comment to say that your site is simply paradise. There are far too many girls on here that I find especially alluring. The photos on here are far more of a turn-on than the tacky porno sites populating the net. Many many thanks!”
When I joined the site I knew I would be treated to wonderful photography of beautiful women - but man - have you found the most beautiful women in the world - at least that I've ever seen – and I am truly in love.
アドリアーノへ:ギアセクションを確認してください。 素晴らしいウェブサイト。あなたは本当にヌードが猥褻ではないことを証明します。あなたは本当に私に別の視点から世界を見てもらいました、今私はすべての美しさを見ることができます。 ありがとう!
To Adriano:Check the gear section. Wonderful website. You really prove that nudity isn't about obscenity. You really made me see the world from a different perspective, now I can see the beauty in everything. Thanks!
Digital or analogic
みなさん、こんにちは。まず、写真とすべておめでとうございます。 たった1つの質問。 アナロジックやデジタル写真など、あらゆるものを扱うために使用しますか。ありがとうございます。
Hi everyone.First of all, congratulations for the pictures and everything. Just one question. Do you use to work with analogic or digital photography, everything.Thank you
Hegre-Archivesがエロティックな写真の最高のコレクションであると言うのは、私が今までどこでも見たことがないので、控えめな表現です。このウェブサイトの中で、静止しているものも動いているものも、フィルムに捉えられた美しさを言葉で表現することはできません。 1つのウェブサイトでこんなにたくさんの美しい女の子のコレクションを見たことがありません。これは最高のエロ撮影です…このサイトを鑑賞する唯一の方法は、ツアーを見て、メンバーシップを取得し、電源を入れる準備をすることです。これは私が毎日チェックインして何が追加されるかを確認する1つのメンバーサイトです。品質はとても良いです!
To say Hegre-Archives is the best collection of erotic photography I have yet seen anywhere would be an understatement. Words cannot express the beauty that has been captured on film, both still and moving, inside this website. I have never, and I do mean never, seen such a collection of so many beautiful girls in one website. This is erotic photography at its finest…The only way to appreciate this site is to view the tour, get a membership, and prepare to be turned on. This is one members site I would check into every day to see what is added. The quality is that good!
European Classic
私にとって最も魅力的なのは、あなたの典型的なヨーロッパのスタイルとアプローチです。ついに、ネットを支配するアメリカのビンボに目を転じる私たちのために、インターネット上に聖域があります。ついにヨーロッパのレンズを持ったヨーロッパ人がヨーロッパの写真の伝統を尊重し、その独特のユーロセクシュアリティを醸し出す女の子を使用しました。アレクシアをください、ジェニファーをください、または死をください。よくやった、ペッター。 Kæ mpeかっこいい!
What appeals to me most is your quintessentially European style and approach. At long last there is a sanctuary on the internet for those of us who roll our eyes at the American bimbos who dominate the net. At long last a European with a European lens honouring the European tradition of photography and using girls who exude that unique eurosexuality. Give me Alexia, give me Jennipher or give me death. Well done, Petter. Kæmpe cool!
“As a student of Academy of Art San Francisco, I have to get used to the human body when creating Illustrations and paintings.And I use the Nudes sites as a base of reference. I`ve been a member of other nude sites but what I like about Hegres photos are the high details that are in the picture.I could tell the difference cause I got a canon 20d and a couple of L lenses. And after being a member of Hegres Archives(back in the day)I`ve been Inspired to change my major and do what Hegre does.”
Your exquisite work is why the camera was created!
Greetings from Washington, DC, USA! I've long been an admirer of your work and recently introduced my wife to your site as well. We enjoy the women, photos, films, and info immensely!
photographers secrets
こんにちはピーター、 あなたのシュートは女の子と同様に素晴らしいです。あなたが選択している場所も非常にエキサイティングです。素敵な撮影もありますが、スタジオで撮影する前に、指定された場所を好みます。特にブラジル人とのトースは素敵です。 私は野心的な写真家でもあり、身体と建築を使ったより多くの撮影をお願いしたいと思います。あなたのイタリア旅行のそれらは非常にでした!!!素晴らしい、スポットの光とムードをキャプチャします。素晴らしい!
Hi Peter, your shoots are awsome as well as the girls. The locatiosn your are selecting are also very exciting. I prefer the given location before the studio shoots although there are some nice shootings. Especially thos with the brazilian are lovely. I am also an ambitioned phtotgrapher and would like to ask for more shootings with body and architecture. Those of your Italian trip were extremely!!! great, capturing the light and mood of the spots. Great!
I am a gentleman over 50, but in going through your archive of Natasha I find myself not only struck with her innocence and youth but the absolute sense of fun and joie de vivre that shows through in your photography. It reminds me of my first wife at that age, who was an absolutely stunning redhead who used to dance for me when she wanted to arouse, or tease, or please me. Thank you for bringing back those memories.
the models are the best ever I have seen
絶対に素晴らしい、私が持っている最も美しい女性 見た。 ヒュー・ヘフナーはあなたの心を食べます。
This site is wonderfully erotic, thought provoking, and uplifting! I would never have joined as an annual member if I didn’t look forward to your fresh views, yet powerfully simple images of the body.
Very very good photos
Luba & Kamila
ルバ: あなたは素晴らしい写真家であり、すべてのカミラシリーズは本当に素晴らしく、カミラは美しく見えます。その官能的な女性をもっと教えてください。 そして、あなたに感謝します、しかし私はあなたの笑顔が恋しいです。
Luba: You are a great photographer and all the Kamila series was realy great and Kamila looks beautiful, please give us more of that sensual woman. And thank's for be you, but I miss your smile.
I have been receiving your e-zine, and wanted to thank you, and wish you well. I have enjoyed your work, and appreciate your signature style. I particularly like the way your models are shown with respect, and it shows in the expressions on their faces.
Hegre-Archives.com offers stunningly explicit images. This is not cliché nude photography. His photos have the grace and irony that only the most intelligent of photographers can achieve.
I seriously recommend this site to anyone looking for classy, glamorous, and generally high-quality erotic photography.
Luba is spectacularly beautiful and sexy. Her “Tied and Lubed” series is one of the hottest photo sets ever. You are a lucky man.
Wonderful, perfect eroticism. Truly natural!
“You are such a wonderful photographer. Your models are beautiful. Your eye for catching a perfect moment is better than most. Please continue to create such wonderful images of women caught at the most delicate and innocent time of their life. I thank you. Your work has brought me much pleasure and sincere joy. I truly believe we are kindred spirits.”
Really fantastic girls. Natural and erotic beauties. I wish to see more of them. Poor Germany. Here are no girls like these.
I've seen many sites and I can say without a doubt that yours is one of the best. The photos are simply masterpieces. The best you find on the Internet!
Once again you have demonstrated your virtuosity as a photographer (and discoverer) of beautiful young women. Vika is an endearing delight. Thank you for sharing this lovely, young woman with me.
There are few photographers whose work haunts me as much as yours. Your photos are tasteful, well illuminated and full of eroticism, without ever being vulgar. Congratulations!
Thanks to mother nature for the absolutely gorgeous Vika. Thanks to you for the great pictures of that beauty.
I just received the free color print today for my one year membership and had to take a moment to thank you. It is beautiful. I cannot wait to get it framed and up on the wall. Also, I am most impressed by the high quality of your web site!
Bravo for your series Artistic Anahi! It has all my favorite elements in it: beautiful girl, completely naked (including barefeet), outdoors, doing gymnastic type poses. Perfect!. Thank you. I just joined a couple of days ago and I am more than satisfied.
I honestly cannot say enough good things about my experience with Hegre-Archives.com, an absolutely transcendent example of everything a pay-for-access adult website should aspire to be. These (over 20,000) photos are goose-pimple-sharp groups of dewy ingenues, and time and time again, they never seem to disappoint me. That almost never happens…But it doesn't stop there. Petter globe-trots to find the choicest foreign girls out there, or sometimes travels to exotic locales to provide backdrops for his particular vision to really shine. By far, my favorite was his trip to Africa featuring two models cavorting about the wilds in a way that will make the tiger in your pants purr and pant in turn….Also, nice and long videos are to be had here, the quantity of which is another rarity at a celebrity photographer site…For viewing young nubile girls in the most artistic way possible, it doesn't get any better than this. BOTTOM LINE: No Need To Toot Their Own Porn
I simply loved the pictures on your site! It’s nice to see in our times of “fast porn” that some people still take their time to set up the female body in a nice atmosphere with good light and good positions…simply great!
Congratulations on the last update on your site! The model, Indre, is a never seen beauty, and the photos are of an extreme good taste. Regards from a Brazilian fan!
This book is highly erotic, daring and authentic. The author and his wife are very courageous to publish their private moments…besides, he is stunningly beautiful.
It’s photos like these that prove your genius!
Your photographs have been a true inspiration for my photographic explorations.
The women you work with illustrate both the variety and quality of feminine beauty. They are not fake, they are not cookie-cutter. They have a natural beauty and an intoxicating hint of the exotic, with a playful liveliness that makes them all the more alluring. And the composition and quality of your (and Luba's) photos are second to none. Thank you for lifting these prime examples of beauty to the level of art while retaining healthy eroticism. I plan to renew for the yearly term soon. There are few sites that are worth such long-term commitments, but I have consistently enjoyed yours.
“Your site is absolutely wonderful. You've done such a great job of arranging things and making it so invitingly sexy. The girls have Playboy.com beat all to hell. These seem like real people... not plastic dolls. I'll be joining! Best wishes from L.A.”
This is an amazing website with stunning images. The price is beyond reasonable for the amount and quality of the content here. Excellent!
"The Hegre-Archives is one the best artistic sites I've seen."
Your photography is unusually beautiful. As a woman (18 to be exact - young but still a woman) I can hardly ever find a piece of erotica that is art and (to be blunt) pornography at the same time that does not subjectify woman or look down upon her. You are a truly talented artist.
Your photography is simply amazing! I've never seen such a beautiful work of a photographer before! Luba from Ukraine is my favorite! No one can be compared to her! She is amazing! I'm sure many people around the World are crazy about her!
Dark Angel is without a doubt the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen.
“I just wanna express my admiration toward your work. When I see your photos, my God, they are truly pieces of fine art. I have never seen such a beauty - so raw, innocent and mysterious all at once. My mind went crazy for some days after looking at their photos. Very angelic and femininely angular, just stunningly beautiful.”
I’ve never seen such a great site. All the girls are absolutely fantastic.
Congratulations on a fantastic site and extremely beautiful photography. I look at all the girls on your site and am amazed at the difference in their beauty compared to 99% of other sites on the net. It is unparalleled!
Your photography is some of the best I’ve seen, and your models are beautiful. Thanks for a classy site.
“After surfing the Internet for years, it came as a surprise to find true beauty. Awesome work. I don’t know what else to say.”
I have to say that your work is magnificent. Your models are as varied as they are beautiful and choosing a favorite is difficult. I could go on, but suffice to say I’ve not been disappointed by any of your pictorials.
“The BEST nude female pictures I have ever seen. These images are the WOW of female photography”
Just from the perspective of the guest tour, your photographs and site are breathtaking. It’s easily the most impressive erotica site I’ve encountered to date, with models who are levels of magnitude more attractive and photogenic than the typical online fare.
Your site is absolutely great and after a while you begin having a kind of, well, how shall I say it, "relationship" to it.
I appreciate the eye that you have for God's beauty. This is a praise to Him. I would do anything to be in your position. It is a shame that so many Christians see this as pornography. It is beauty at an age where Mary was chosen as a Virgin for the Savior.
Your work drives me into pure speechless rapture.
I have viewed your website and am entirely captivated by your powerfully beautiful fine-art sensibility!
I have just viewed your site and would like to commend you. Your work inspires something rather unexplainable. No one could in good conscience accuse you of demeaning women, for you take away the mask and show not only the external but also her inner beauty. This is the same beauty that captivates and teaches us that real beauty isn't just a mass but that which lies within that mass - the depth of the eyes, the warmth of the smile, and the feeling projected from the attitude of the women.
“After a long and sometimes frustrating Odyssey through the web, I finally found what I was looking for. Hegre.com has simply the best and most sensual series I have ever seen.”
I never thought that I would subscribe to an Internet site. However, your photographs are incredible. Your outdoors photographs are perfect…the most outstanding studio sets of photographs I have ever seen.
幻想的で官能的なショット。新しいサブスクリプションをとても楽しんでいます! –デビッド・コリンズ、グラフィックデザイナー、メンバー私はあなたの写真を見る前に、私が美しさについて考えたすべてを再考しなければなりません。見たときの気持ちは言葉では言い表せませんが、確かに幸せも含まれています!
Fantastic, sensual shots. I am enjoying my new subscription immensely! – David Collins, graphic designer, member I have to reconsider everything I thought about beauty before I looked at your pictures. I cannot really put it into words what I feel when I look at them, but it certainly includes happiness!
The Erotic Massage
女性のエキスパートタッチで表現された美しさとセックスのコンビネーションに感動したので、あなたのサイトに参加しました。性感マッサージの数には限りがあり、自分の精神を刺激するような方法で他の女性に触れる女性をもっと欲しがっています。 ただ一つコメントしたいのですが、ライブサウンドやモデルが音楽をバックドロップせずにタッチを楽しんでいるのを聞いてみましょう。音楽は気を散らすものであり、モデルによって表現される喜びの喜びを聞くことから私たちを遠ざけます。 リック
I joined your site, because I was struck by the combination of beauty and sex shown through the expert touch of a female. I find that the number of erotic massages are limited, and I lust for more women touching other women in a manner that seduces my spirit. I would like make one comment however that is, let us hear live sound, or model's enjoying the touch without the back drop of music. The music is a distraction, and takes away from us hearing the joy of pleasure expressed by models. Rick
このサイトで最近読んだコメントの 1 つは、Petter Hegre の作品を素晴らしい「ポルノ」と呼んでいました。ポルノ/ポルノグラフィー/ポルノグラフィーという用語は常に私にとって否定的な意味合いを持ち、秘密主義、真の邪悪さ、支配、鈍感さ、さらには虐待を示唆していたため、それは私を止めました.私は何年にもわたって膨大な量のエロチカを取り入れてきましたが、それはポルノ (醜いローエンド) から美と芸術 (ハイエンド) にまで及びます - ありがたいことに、私たちはヘグレと一緒にいるところです.私は最初から彼と一緒に仕事をしてきましたが、彼の仕事を通して輝く彼のスキルと態度にとても感謝しています。それは非常に文明的であり、非常にエロティックです.本当のクラスの行為。 とは言うものの、ペッターのビジョンには次の高次元への余地があることを願っています。それは純粋な「タブ A をスロット B に入れる」メカニズムを超えた友情であり、時には非人間的に感じることがあり、美しいかもしれませんが、そうではないかもしれません。深い満足かもしれません。完全に服を着ていても、人々がお互いに話していると、他の方法では達成できないエロティックな次元が現れると思います.ハリウッドもこれを知っており、キャラクターはストーリーです。カップルの間の相互作用をもう少し見たい.人生、人、ファッション、食べ物、セックス、娯楽、文学の中で何が好きかという質問への即席の答えかもしれません。今ここに座っているパートナーについての観察。人生経験を共有/明らかにする;初めての性体験などについての軽い会話 この種のものをキャプチャするには、ある程度の労力が必要になると思いますが、ああ、とてもやりがいがあります。多くの可能性のある次元の 1 つである小さな例は、2019 年のアンジェリックをフィーチャーした Hegre フィルムの最後にあります。彼女は、テーブルでの素晴らしい経験全体を共有し、追加することで、彼女のマッサージについていくつかの明らかなコメントをします。会話の他の例は、ヘグレのサイトのあちこちで見られますが、通常、いちゃつくまたは自己啓示的な方法ではありません。これにより、すでに強力な一連の作業にさらに力が加えられます。 この種のアイデアは、無数の方向に発展させることができます.この場合、2+1=100 だと思います... @ペッター
One of the comments I read on the site recently referred to Petter Hegre's work as great “porn.” That stopped me, as the terms porn/pornography/pornographic have always had a negative connotation for me, suggesting furtiveness, real wickedness, dominance, insensitivity, and even abuse. I have taken in a huge volume of erotica over the years, and I find that it ranges from porn (at the uglier low end) to beauty and art (on the high end) -- which is, thankfully, where we are with Hegre. I have been with him pretty much from the beginning, and I am very appreciative of his skill and attitude, which shine through his work. It is both highly civilized and hugely erotic. A real class act. That said, I hope there is room in Petter’s vision for the next higher dimension, which is friendship beyond the pure "tab A into slot B" mechanics, which can feel impersonal at times and, beautiful as it may be, may not be as deeply satisfying as it might be. Even fully clothed, when people talk to each other, an erotic dimension emerges that cannot be achieved in any other way, in my opinion. Hollywood also knows this, and character is story. I'd like to see a little more interaction between the couples -- anticipation, flirting, informal conversation, perhaps over coffee, at a fair or even walking a street or on the bed. Maybe an impromptu answer to a question about what one likes in life, people, fashion, food, sex, entertainment, literature; observations about the partner, sitting here now; shared/revealing life experiences; light conversation about first sexual experiences, etc. I'm sure this sort of thing would take some effort to capture, but, oh, so rewarding. A small example in one of many possible dimensions comes at the end of a Hegre film featuring Angelique from 2019. She makes some revealing comments about her massage, sharing and adding to the whole great experience on the table. Other examples of conversation can be found here and there on the Hegre site, but not usually in a flirting or self-revelatory way. More of this would add power to an already powerful body of work. This sort of idea could be developed in countless directions -- not too heavy and not to overpower the physical intimacy, but adding seasoning. I believe 2+1=100 in this case ... @petter
“I have been a member for about 3 months now and I thoroughly enjoy your photographic artwork. I am a big fan of the female form and you have a unique and beautiful way of capturing it. Thanks for keeping it clean and beautiful!”



“Hegre.com は見逃せないサイトだ!”









“Hegre.com はペッター・ヘグレ最高なヌード写真とビデオコレクションを提供。このサイトは値頃で’豪華’なポルノサイトのランクに属している。”

















ジェイーズ ラウジのロゴ


ジェイーズ ラウジ














“Hegre アーカイブは今まで見てレビュウーしたサイトの中では最高のソフトコアーエロチックサイトだ!”





ブラボ ポルノレビューのロゴ


ブラボ ポルノレビュー











“HegreArt はアダルトサイトの中ではこれ以上良いサイトは無い。報道とは賞は正確であり、アートと文化を楽しむ人には裸のモデル達からのご褒美が待っている。”


Hegre ライブカム