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如果你想成功,你首先需要的是雄心——足够的雄心。 STRISHA 来自一个省级小镇,但当她第一次在电视上看到乌克兰小姐比赛时,她就决定这就是她要去的地方,一直到闪闪发光的王冠。她正在计划自己的动作:年仅 18 岁的 Strisha 拥有 50 公斤的能量,瘦削的身材保持着跳舞和慢跑的体形。她要去基辅大学学习语言。 简而言之,斯特丽莎很可爱。她可能来自巴西或阿根廷,有着性感的深色外表和水汪汪的大眼睛,事实上,她跳着桑巴舞,动作就像狂欢节上刚穿过演播室的拉丁裔女孩。在第一次拍摄之后,她在移动,如此紧张和不安。 Strisha 有一个同样 18 岁的男朋友,但她目前还没有结婚的打算。她的模特生涯和成为乌克兰小姐的计划是第一位的。
If you're going to be a success, the first thing you need is ambition - plenty of it.
STRISHA COMES from a tiny provincial town but when she first saw the Miss Ukraine competition on television she decided that was where she was going, all the way to the sparkling crown. And she's planning her moves: just 18, Strisha is fifty kilos of energy on a lean frame kept in shape dancing and jogging. She's going to study languages at the University of Kyiv.
Strisha is, in a word: cute. She could be from Brazil or Argentina with her dark sultry looks and big liquid eyes, in fact she dances samba and moves like a Latino girl at Mardi Gra just crossing the studio. She's on the move, so keyed up and restless, after that first shoot.
Strisha has a boyfriend who is also 18, but she is not planning to get married just yet. Her modeling career and plans to become Miss Ukraine come first.
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