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Tiziana 是布达佩斯“看不见”的一张外卡,可能不是人们对典型的 Hegre 女孩的期望。 这个年轻的女孩一天抽40支烟,一晚上就喝光了10瓶啤酒。除了这些坏习惯之外,她还喜欢垃圾食品,尤其是汉堡。但是我们可以原谅她,我们都年轻过一次不是吗? Tiziana 对粉色爱不释手,而且不会说太多英语——这让她与 Petter 的合影对他们俩来说都是一个有趣的挑战!她从 16 岁起就在布达佩斯的一家酒吧工作。 因此,也许不是一般的 Hegre 模特,但修长的双腿似乎永远存在,活泼的乳房和甜美的个性 Tiziana 绝对是该网站的受欢迎资产!
A wild card booked in "unseen" from Budapest, Tiziana isn’t perhaps what one would expect of a typical Hegre girl.
This young girl smokes 40 cigarettes a day and easily empties 10 bottles of beer in just one night. On top of these bad habits she also loves junk food, particularly burgers. But we can forgive her, we are all young once, right?
Tiziana can’t get enough of the color pink and does not speak much English - which made her photo sessions with Petter an interesting challenge for them both! She has worked in a bar in Budapest since she was 16.
So maybe not the average Hegre model, but with long slim legs that seem to go on for ever, perky breasts and sweet personality Tiziana is definitely a welcome asset to the site!
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