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头部和肩膀高于其他人...... 弗兰西很高。非常高。她身高 182 厘米(6 英尺),很容易成为 Petter 拍摄过的最长的模特之一。她美得惊人,身材高挑,是意大利服装制造商的目录模特。但她也喜欢脱掉衣服去裸体海滩,在那里她以玲珑剔透的身材吸引了很多人的注意。 鉴于她骨瘦如柴的身材,你会认为她是一个吃得清淡的人,这是情有可原的。但弗朗西是在北方的一个小镇长大的,她是彻头彻尾的意大利人,对意大利面和红酒情有独钟。虽然她的祖国可能是一个保守的国家,但弗兰西自然而然地沉浸在裸体模特的乐趣中。 为了捕捉这位高贵女神的最佳状态,佩特选择在文艺复兴的发源地——托斯卡纳拍摄。这是天造地设的一对——Francy 的优雅与 Petter 所说的“地球上最美丽的地方之一”相得益彰。 享受和弗兰西在一起的时光。虽然她的头脑在云端,但她也非常脚踏实地。介于两者之间的一切现在都在 Hegre.com 上。
Head and shoulders above the rest…
Francy is tall. Very tall. Measuring in at 182 cm (6 feet), she’s easily one of the lengthiest models Petter has ever shot. Stunningly beautiful and statuesque, she works as a catalogue model for Italian clothing manufacturers. But she also loves to lose the cloth and hit the nude beaches, where she turns many a head with her exquisitely towering figure.
Given her skinny frame, you’d be forgiven for thinking she’s a light eater. But having been raised in a small town in the north, Francy is Italian through and through, with a hearty appetite for pasta and red wine. And while her homeland can be a conservative country, Francy flowed naturally into the joys of naked modelling.
To capture this lofty goddess at her best, Petter chose to shoot her in the birthplace of the Renaissance – Tuscany. It’s a match made in heaven – Francy’s soaring elegance is perfectly complemented by what Petter calls “one of the most picturesque locations on the planet.”
Enjoy your time with Francy. Though her head’s in the clouds, she’s also very down-to-earth. And everything in between is now on Hegre.com.
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