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私たちの新しいモデルは、世界で数少ない共産主義国であり、アジアで最も貧しい国の 1 つであるラオスから来ています。子供の頃、彼女は田舎の農村に住んでいて、太りすぎでよくいじめられていました。しかし、クロエには自由を見つけるという夢がありました。
Our new model comes from Laos, one of the world’s few remaining communist countries and one of Asia’s poorest. As a kid she lived in rural farm country and was overweight and often bullied. But Chloe had a dream of finding freedom.
And find it she did. Losing weight and moving to Bangkok to work in fashion was just the start. When she discovered naked modelling, things really took off. Now this “Laos Latina” (she’s all Asian, but has Latin looks) has found some success, and will no doubt find more.
So please join us in welcoming Chloe. She’s set on making up for the years lost behind the Iron Curtain. And we couldn’t be happier for her. You go, girl!