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有一种女性,当她让你发疯时,你只想伸出手来保护她免受风暴。 遇见 KATYA,一个年轻的幻想女孩,蛇蝎美人,如此性感,你无法相信自己的眼睛,如此自然,你一定是在做梦。然而这样的挑逗你想把她放在你的膝盖上并给她一个愉快的打击。 但这只是一种行为。在 Katya 在一本 Hegre 书中首次亮相后,这个消息远非林中的一个单纯的婴儿,消息传遍了她的家乡,现在她走在街上都会被尖叫的粉丝和急切的快门虫包围。名望像貂皮大衣一样拥抱着卡佳。模特合同开始堆积起来,随处可见杂志页面上那双迷人的猫眼。 Katya 是一个正在发生的女孩,她首先出现在 Hegre.com。
There is a species of female who, while she drives you crazy, you just want to reach out and shelter her from the storm.
MEET KATYA, a teen fantasy girl, the femme fatale-in-waiting, so sensual you can't believe your eyes, so spontaneous you must be dreaming. Yet such a tease you want to put her over your knee and give her a jolly good smack.
But it's just an act. Far from being a mere babe in the woods, after Katya made her début in a Hegre book, the news spread through her hometown and now she can't walk down the street without being mobbed by screaming fans and eager shutter bugs. Fame embraced Katya like a mink coat. The model contracts started piling up and those stunning cat's eyes can be seen peering from the pages of magazines everywhere.
Katya is a happening girl and she happened first at Hegre.com.
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