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玛莎从 18 岁起就一直住在纽约市,并签约了纽约市的顶级模特经纪公司之一。 Masha 最初来自俄罗斯的圣彼得堡,曾在世界各地为一些顶级设计师做过模特。苗条的身材、小巧的胸部、象牙色的皮肤和美丽精致的脸蛋玛莎是为时尚界而生的。 令人难以置信的是,玛莎告诉我们,她很难在纽约找到男朋友。和她遇到的男模特一起出去玩不适合她。她更喜欢和她的猫呆在市中心的小公寓里。玛莎与其他 3 位新兴人才合住这套公寓,他们都想在曼哈顿大展宏图。 玛莎拥有最可爱、最积极的性格,总是面带微笑。一个充满爱心和非常甜美的年轻模特。
Masha has been living in New York City since she was 18 and is signed to one of the cities top modeling agencies. Originally from St Petersburg in Russia, Masha has modeled all over the world and for some top deigners. With her slim figure, small breasts, ivory skin and beautiful delicate face Masha is made for the fashion industry.
Unbelievably Masha tells us she is having a hard time trying to find a boyfriend in New York. Hanging out with the male models she meets isn’t for her. She prefers to stay at home with her cat in her small downtown apartment. Masha shares the apartment with 3 other emerging talents who are all trying to make it big in Manhattan.
Masha has the most lovely, positive personality and is always smiling. A loving and very sweet young model.
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