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玛雅给人留下了深刻的印象。部分原因是她身高 182 厘米(6 英尺)。部分原因是因为她的才华横溢。 她的明星气质使她成为欧洲时装公司的最爱。巴黎、米兰和伦敦争相要她为他们的服装做模特。现在,她将自己的经验带到了裸体造型中。当然,她也带来了可爱的屁股和大长腿。 她对这个世界的许多不同方面着迷。 “关于它的一切都刺激着我,”她说。 “这不仅仅是化妆和发型设计。还有更多。它使我进入了摄影和绘画领域。现在我也开始制作雕塑了。”这些东西对她来说就像和她一起生活的宠物鹦鹉一样重要。 我们告诉过你这个女孩是另外一回事。
Maya makes a big, big impression. Partly that is because she is tall at 182 cm (6 feet). Partly it is because of her fantastic range of talent.
Her star quality presence made her a favourite of the fashion houses of Europe. Paris, Milan and London competed for her to model their clothes. Now she brings her experience to nude modelling. Naturally she brings a cute ass and long legs as well.
She is fascinated by so many different aspects of this world. “Everything about it stimulates me” she says. “It is not only make-up and hair styling. It’s much more. It has led me into photography and painting. Now I’m into making sculptures as well.” These things are as important to her as her pet parrot that she lives with.
We told you this girl is something else.
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