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Oksana 知道她的商品外观可以取代她的位置;当然,前提是她所有的牌都打对了。 年仅 19 岁的她已经在日本、韩国和很快的中国获得了为期三个月的模特工作。可以肯定地说,她正在实现模特的梦想。一个狂野不羁的女孩,不难看出她为什么如此受欢迎。身材高挑修长,金发秀丽,俏皮调皮的性格恰到好处。 奥克萨娜自称是一名派对女郎,她计划学习国际旅游,梦想有一天她会在意大利海岸定居。到目前为止,她是正确的。
Oksana knows that her goods looks can take her places; provided of course she plays all her cards right.
At only 19 years of age she as already acquired modeling gigs in Japan, Korea, and soon China for a three month long assignment. It’s certainly safe to say that she is living a model’s dream. A wild and uninhibited girl, it is easy to see why she is so popular. Her body is tall and slender, her blonde hair golden and beautiful, her personality playful and naughty in all the right ways.
A self proclaimed party girl, Oksana plans to study international tourism, dreaming that one day she’ll settle on the shores of Italy. So far she is right on track.
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