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Suzie 是匈牙利布达佩斯的前音乐学生。一个敏感的灵魂,欣赏生活中所有美好的事物。艺术、音乐、设计 - Suzie 是您所说的“视觉”人。 2004 年,她第一次与 Petter Hegre 会面是在巴黎的一家老式小旅馆里。当时,窗外吹来的凉风让 Suzie 纯洁柔软的皮肤起了一层鸡皮疙瘩。 5 年过去了,Hegre 重新委托 Suzie 进行他在墨西哥的大规模制作,这是在气候温暖得多的环境中拍摄的照片!结果表明,随着时间的推移,苏西在镜头前的自然存在只会变得更好。 一个热爱生活美好事物的女孩,Suzie前程似锦,背后也有大好前途!
Suzie is a former music student from Budapest in Hungary. A sensitive soul with an appreciation for all that is beautiful in life. Art, music, design - Suzie is what you would call a 'visual' person.
Her first session with the Petter Hegre took place in a little old-fashioned hotel in Paris back in 2004. Back then a cool breeze wafting through the window turned Suzie's pure soft skin into a sea of goose bumps.
Roll on 5 years and Hegre recommissioned Suzie for his large-scale Mexican production, a photo shoot in a setting with a much warmer climate! And the results show that Suzie's natural presence in front of the camera has only got better with time.
A girl who is fond of the finer things in life, Suzie has a great future as well as a great behind!
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