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Petter Hegre 通过布宜诺斯艾利斯当地的模特经纪公司预订了与 Yola 的拍摄。 在预订时,她有一头金发,看起来有点胆小。尽管如此,她的举止还是有一些迷人之处,皮特决定冒险尝试一下这个缺乏经验的年轻女孩。 三天过去了,金发的 Yola 走了,取而代之的是一位火红的头发的年轻女士,她准备热切地投入到她的第一份任务中。 Petter 看着 Yola 少女般的身材,还没有完全发育,肚子上还残留着婴儿肥,带着刚孵出的小鸟第一次试翅的活力跳进每一个场景,Petter 忍不住微微一笑。 也许她在 Petter 眼中有点笨拙,但正是努力比什么都重要,为此她获得了一颗金星。
Petter Hegre booked a shoot with Yola through a local modeling agency in Buenos Aires.
AT THE of the booking she had blonde hair and seemed a bit timid. Still, there was something charming about the way she carried herself and Petter decided to take a chance by giving this young and inexperienced girl a try.
Three days go by and the blonde haired Yola was gone, only to be replaced by a fiery haired young lady ready to jump eagerly into her first ever assignment. Petter could not help but smile a little as he watched Yola’s girlish figure, not yet fully developed with baby fat still visible on her tummy, jump into each situation with the energy of a newly hatched bird trying out its wings for the first time.
Perhaps she came across as a bit clumsy in Petter’s eye, but it was the effort that counted more then anything and for that she gets a gold star.
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