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乔伊斯 (Joyce) 起源于尼日利亚,但由于她父亲的意大利血统,她在意大利长大。 值得庆幸的是,她拥有两个世界的最佳品质;深色甜美的皮肤和眼睛看着这个世界,仿佛是第一次发现它必须提供的东西。一个女人总是有一些神奇的东西,她会在所有事情中看到积极的一面。 乔伊斯 (Petter) 在佛罗伦萨制作曼吉卡尼别墅 (Villa Mangiacane) 日历期间,佩特 (Petter) 与他一起工作,虽然开始拍摄时她感到有点害羞,但她很快发现自己享受着裸体的自由。当她充分利用大橄榄树时,这种经历甚至可能已经冲昏了头脑,她的身体在夏日的阳光下在树枝间嬉戏。听说乔伊斯透露她有朝一日希望搬到迈阿密。 迈阿密最好小心点,因为我们有一种奇怪的感觉,她总有一天会到达那里。
Joyce holds her origins in Nigeria, but was raised in Italy due to her fathers Italian heritage.
THANKFULLY SHE has the best qualities of both worlds; dark luscious skin and eyes that look at the world as if discovering the things it has to offer for the first time. There is always something magical about a woman who makes it a point to see something positive in all things.
Petter worked with Joyce during his production of the Villa Mangiacane calendar in Florence and though she began the shoot feeling a little shy, she soon found herself enjoying the freedom of being naked. The experience may have even gone to her head as she took full advantage of large olive trees, her body playing among the branches in the summer sun. It was hear that Joyce revealed she one day hopes to move to Miami.
Miami better look out, because we have a strange feeling she will make it there one day.
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