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波琳娜 (Polina) 有一条长长的脖子,她高高举起脖子,带着天鹅的所有尊严和优雅,天鹅是最尊贵的鸟类。 她的黑色直发闪耀着神秘的火焰,深色的探索和睿智的眼睛闪闪发光,当你看着她时,你会觉得自己置身于高贵之中,一种奇怪的感觉,你看到她的侧面时会觉得她是一组扑克牌中的黑桃皇后模型。 如果 Polina 处于高位,这不足为奇。在她 18 岁那一天,她走进了莫斯科市中心的一家超级机构。 “我在这里,”她自信地说,他们在当天结束前完成了一些试拍。 三年后,Polina 成为俄罗斯首都最受追捧的模特之一,我们确实有幸在 Hotel Sovjetsky 为 Hegre.com 拍摄到她的裸照。
Polina has a long neck that she holds high with all the dignity and grace of a swan, those most royal of birds.
WITH HER straight black hair that gleams with its own mysterious fire and dark probing, intelligent eyes, you get the feeling as you look at her that you are in the presence of nobility, a curious sense what you see her in profile that she is the model for the Queen of Spades from a set of playing cards.
If Polina is on a high it's hardly surprising. The day she turned 18, she marched into one of the super agencies in the heart of Moscow. "Here I am," she said confidently, and they got some test shots done before the day was out.
Three years later, Polina is one of the most sought after models in the Russian capital and we were privileged indeed to capture her naked for Hegre.com at the Hotel Sovjetsky.
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