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向我们的新日本模特 Sayoko 问好。她是专门研究漫画的艺术专业学生。但最重要的是,她是一个彻头彻尾的书呆子,热爱漫画,打扮成她最喜欢的角色,去她的家乡东京参加派对,她喜欢这里是“这个星球上最奇怪的文化”。 事实上,她甚至会根据他们喜欢打扮成什么样的漫画人物来选择约会对象。随着她的艺术进步,她一直专注于色情意象和叙事,这使她转向了动漫。这导致她探索裸体造型,因为她想象自己是一个裸体动漫角色,以克服她的害羞。 简而言之,小夜子是一个复杂、美丽、富有艺术气息的年轻女性,她决定通过黑格雷的镜头向世界展示自己。让我们尊重她的决定,热烈欢迎她来到 Hegre 家族。必须充分欣赏像这样罕见的美丽!
Say hello to Sayoko, our new Japanese model. She’s a student of art who specializes in manga. But above all, she’s a total nerd who loves comics, dressing up as her favourite characters, and going to parties in her native Tokyo, which she loves as “the weirdest culture on the planet.”
In fact, she even picks her dates depending on what manga figures they like to dress up as. As her art has progressed, she’s been focusing on evermore erotic imagery and narratives, which has led her to anime. And this has led to her exploring nude modelling as she imagines she’s a naked anime character to overcome her shyness.
In short, Sayoko is a complicated, beautiful, artistic young woman who’s decided to show herself to the world via Hegre’s lens. Let’s honor her decision and give her a nice big warm welcome to the Hegre family. Rare beauty like this must be appreciated to its fullest!
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