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从亚历山大大帝时代开始,一波又一波的征服者横扫欧洲,向东进发,又带着新思想、新妻子、新血液再次归来。 波兰处于这些汹涌澎湃的人类浪潮的中心,当你将所有这些相互竞争的基因混合在一起时,你想到的就是 Kasha。当他们在字典中输入异国情调这个词时,他们想到的是 Kasha。 卡莎在华沙的一家主要健身房担任健身教练,这使她拥有健美的肌肉和完美的健康和力量。对于宏伟的 Kasha 和 Hegre 相机来说,这是一见钟情,他们制作了一个系列,他们后来被称为“Kasha Oiled”,太阳光线从金条中的窗户滑过,照亮了场景,就像好莱坞电影一样. 至少可以说,反应是惊人的。
From the time of Alexander the Great waves of conquerors have crossed Europe going east and returned again with new ideas, new wives, new blood.
POLAND IS at the very heart of these waves of surging humanity and when you mix a cocktail from all those competing genes what you come up with is Kasha. When they put the word exotic in the dictionary it was Kasha they had in mind.
Kasha works as a fitness instructor in one of the principle gyms in Warsaw, which accounts for her toned muscles and appearance of consummate health and strength. For the magnificent Kasha and the Hegre camera it was love at first sight and they produced a series they came to be known as 'Kasha Oiled,' the sun's rays slipping through the window in golden bars and lighting the scene as if for a Hollywood movie.
The response, to say the least, was stunning.
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