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拉里萨活在当下,但对她来说,活着的最佳时间是六十年代。 披头士乐队、谁人乐队、滚石乐队、自由恋爱、在泥泞中裸泳和野性性爱,太阳从山上升起,吉米亨德里克斯用牙齿弹奏星条旗。 与此同时,Larisa 完全地、毫不羞耻地活着,她是一瓶香槟中的气泡,一个想要吞噬生活的女孩,就好像它是一盘美味的冰淇淋。她很友善,爱玩,总是讲笑话。对拉丽莎来说,她的身体就是她的神殿。她热爱大自然,她的梦想是生活在一个裸体主义者的殖民地,我们相信其他成员会非常欢迎她。 随着今天东欧发生的变化,拉里萨没有必要回顾六十年代:零是活着的时间,乌克兰是该去的地方!
Larisa lives in the present but for her, the best time to have been alive would have been the sixties.
THE BEATLES, the Who, the Rolling Stones, free love, swimming naked in the mud and wild sex with the sun rising over the mountains and Jimmy Hendrix playing The Star Spangled Banner with his teeth.
Meanwhile, Larisa is totally, unashamedly alive, she's the bubbles from a bottle of champagne, a girl who wants to gulp down life as if it is a great dish of ice-cream. She is friendly, playful, she tells jokes all the time. For Larisa, her body is her temple. She loves nature and her dream is to live in a nudist colony, where we are sure the other members would make her very welcome.
With the changes taking place in Eastern Europe today, Larisa has no need to look back to the sixties: the zeros is the time to be alive and the Ukraine is the place to be!
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