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西班牙明星 ALBA 以其多才多艺不断给我们留下深刻印象。这一次,她踏上舞池,点燃了整个世界! 一个完全清理的舞台和一个令人震惊的裸体 ALBA 将带你踏上狂野、催眠和性快感的旅程。一旦你感受到热度,你就会自动被吸引到 ALBAS 的色情必杀技中…… 由 PETTER HEGRE 精心制作和导演,并以真正的慢动作拍摄,这是您必须体验的瑰宝。但是你应该留出一些额外的时间;你会想和 ALBA 一次又一次地跳舞……
Spanish sensation ALBA keeps on impressing us with her multitude of talents. This time she hits the dance floor and puts the world on fire!
A COMPLETELY cleared stage and a shockingly naked ALBA will take you on a wild, hypnotic and sexual pleasure ride. And once you feel the heat, you will automatically be drawn into ALBAS erotic nirvana…
Beautifully produced and directed by PETTER HEGRE and shot in real slow motion, this is a gem that you just have to experience. But you should set aside some extra time; you´ll want to dance with ALBA again and again…
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