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在巴黎一家古老的舞蹈工作室里,安妮特是一只蝴蝶,它漂浮在抛光地板上的金色点上。 午后的阳光是一个沉默的偷窥者,在这个极度赤裸的亲密时刻透过高高的窗户窥视。没有什么比看到女孩们裸体排练她们的动作更令人回味和感性的了。 安妮特 (Annette) 从马里兰州专程前往为 Hegre 摄影机跳舞,她在巴黎的美国芭蕾舞演员 (An American Ballerina) 中的表演堪称迷你杰作。
In an old dance studio in Paris Annette is a butterfly floating on golden points across the polished floor.
The afternoon sun is a silent voyeur peeping through the tall windows at this moment of extreme naked intimacy. There is nothing more evocative and sensuous than the sight of girls rehearsing their routines naked.
Annette made the journey from Maryland to dance for the Hegre camera and her performance in An American Ballerina in Paris is a two thumbs up mini-masterpiece.
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