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在 HEGRE 的第 1119 部电影中,我们带着全新的幕后照片回来了。这次我们为您带来模特 Anna L 令人无法抗拒的性感魅力的私密视角。
对于摄影师来说,与一位一上台就能吸引所有人注意的裸体模特合作是一种莫大的幸福。Anna L 就是这样的人:天生丽质,身材完美,本能地知道如何在镜头前表演。
Anna L 一直是摄影师 Petter Hegre 最喜欢的模特之一,这张照片肯定会告诉你其中的原因。
In HEGRE’s 1119th movie, we are back with an all new photo session behind-the-scenes. This time we bring you an irresistible and intimate view of the sexual powers of model Anna L.
IT’S A WONDERFUL BLESSING for a photographer to work with a nude model that immediately draws all the attention once she enters the stage. Such is the case with Anna L: A natural beauty with a perfect body who instinctively knows how to perform in front of a camera.
Anna L has long been one of photographer Petter Hegre’s favourite models, and this gem certainly tells you why.
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