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准备好亲眼目睹钢铁熔化…… 她是我们坚韧的钢铁女侠,所以您可能不会对 Anya 抱有这样的期望。虽然她给人的那些强烈的表情非常性感,但她并没有完全散发出邻家女孩的感觉。但事实证明,她确实有温柔的一面。 在这部幕后短片中,您将聆听 Anya 和 Petter 之间的所有互动。当他逗她笑时……好吧,这就像你可以听一整天都不会厌倦的音乐。 观看并享受。
Prepare to see iron melt before your eyes…
She’s our tough iron woman, so you might not be expecting this from Anya. While those intense looks she gives are incredibly sexy, she doesn’t exactly give off a girl-next-door vibe. But it turns out she does has a softer side.
In this behind-the-scenes short film you’ll get to listen to all the interaction between Anya and Petter. And when he makes her laugh… Well, it’s like music you could listen to all day without ever getting bored.
Watch it and enjoy.
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