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HEGRE 的第 1023 部电影探讨了性和敏感性,以及我们如何为最大的性快感做好准备。以一种完全自然的方式。 当我们做爱时,我们的大脑会触发三种促进情绪的化学物质的释放:多巴胺、内啡肽和催产素。所有这些都给我们带来强烈的喜悦感。这些激素也会让我们对与爱人的触摸、亲密和联系特别敏感。 大卫和吉亚都致力于性的艺术和我们感官的力量。以及我们随身携带的天然兴奋剂的力量。
HEGRE’s 1023rd movie takes a look at sex and sensitivity, and how we can prepare ourselves for maximum sexual pleasure. In a completely natural way.
WHEN WE’RE HAVING SEX our brain triggers the release of three mood-boosting chemicals: Dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin. All of which reward us with an intense feeling of joy. These are hormones that also make us particularly responsive to touch, intimacy and bonding with our lover.
David and Gia are both devoted to the art of sex and the strength of our senses. And the power of the natural stimulants we all carry with us.
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