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遭遇飓风的 Fabi 仍然设法让她保持冷静,并且在《乱世佳人》中看起来非常漂亮、时尚和性感,如果有奥斯卡奖得主的话。 Hegre 在他的新巴黎工作室里用风力机做什么是任何人的猜测,但它确实使 Fabi 活泼的乳头变硬,并在她光滑的古铜色皮肤上激起鸡皮疙瘩。这是 Fabi 与 Hegre-Archives 合作的第一部电影,我们迫不及待地想看到后续影片。 下次给她洗个热水澡怎么样,黑格雷先生!
Fabi caught in a hurricane gale still manages to keep her cool and look, well, fabulous, chic and sexy in Gone With The Wind, an Oscar winner if ever there was one.
What Hegre is doing with a wind machine in his new Paris studio is anyone's guess, but it certainly stiffened Fabi's pert nipples and sent ripples of goose bumps over her satiny bronze skin. This is Fabi's first film with Hegre-Archives and we can't wait to see the follow up.
How about putting her in a hot bath next time, Mr Hegre!
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