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在 HEGRE 的第 968 部电影中,我们回到幕后,与波兰叛逆模特 GIA 会面。 充满活力,快节奏和诱人。会话中的节奏和节奏对于照片拍摄的闪光至关重要。在这里,您会从相机的第一次点击中被拖入凹槽。 只要坚持节奏。这真的很像性行为。
In HEGRE’s 968th movie we go back behind the scenes and meet up with Polish rebel model GIA.
Vibrant, fast-paced and alluring. The rhythm and tempo in a session is essential to the flare of a photoshoot. And here you’re dragged into the groove from the first click of the camera.
Just hang on to the rhythm. It’s pretty much like the act of sex really.
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