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Kira Private Show

March 2, 2010
14 评论
For Your Eyes Only

在这部炙手可热的新电影中享受基拉的私人舞蹈! 欣赏基拉 (Kira) 裸体跳舞的景象——为您带来乐趣。这丫头果然会动自己的美体,扭来扭去,轻拂那一头艳丽的长发,让人惊叹…… 当 Kira 为你跳舞时,她展示了她年轻紧实的每一寸身体,当她用性感的眼神固定你时,你知道你已经完全被诱惑了! 这部性感而诱人的热门新电影会让你疯狂!

Enjoy a private dance from Kira in this red-hot new film!

Take in the view as Kira dances naked – for your pleasure. This girl certainly knows how to move her gorgeous body, so marvel as she writhes around and flicks that gorgeous mane of long hair…

Kira shows off every inch of her firm young body as she dances for you and when she fixes you with that sexy look you know you have been totally seduced!

Sexy and seductive this hot, new film is going to drive you wild!

  • 运行: 5:32 分钟
  • 格式:
    • 全高清 1080p (69 MB)
    • 高清 720p (49 MB)
    • SD 480p (32 MB)



非常感谢 Kira 让我们观看您火爆的色情私人表演。看着像你这样美丽的女孩裸体跳舞,长发盘旋在你迷人的胸部和肩膀上,真是太好了。请一次又一次地为我们跳舞。
Thank you so much Kira for letting us in on your red hot erotic private show. It is so good to watch a beautiful girl like you dance naked with your long hair swirling around your delightful breasts and shoulders. Please dance for us again and again.
Kira Private Show.
The girl is VERY LOVELY but the film is BLOODY AWFUL.
让女孩移动或相机。两者不能同时。我想看到 Kira 的美丽和她的动作,但过度挥动相机只会让我头晕。
let the girl move or the camera. Not both at the same time. I want to see Kira's beauty and her motion, but too much waving the camera around just makes me dizzy.
Yes, about the shoes.
It's a quibble, but since the shoes are used to start the shoot, they should be chosen more carefully.
Props Wardrobe
Vel 我不认为这是 Kira 的鞋子,我在其他女孩身上看到过。我对脚不感兴趣,但鞋子是的,英国女孩的鞋子简直令人惊叹。 Hegre.com 应该根据时尚专家的建议更新他们的衣橱。是的,基拉穿黑色衣服看起来很漂亮,你还记得她的第一家画廊吗?
Vel I don't think these are Kira's shoes, I have seen them on other girls. I don't have a thing about feet but shoes yes, and girls shoes in the UK are simply stunning. Hegre.com should update their wardrobe with the advice of a fashion expert. Yes Kira looks gorgeous in black, do you remember her first gallery.
Can't understand the attack on Kira? She is way hot! And also has a good dress sense in clothes that suit her. In some of the older gallerys the girls have really bad looking shoes! I got a thing about feet so I notice these things!
Silken Sensuality
Visually spectacular with stylised gestures, shadows on shadows, the voyeur at a distance, uninvolved. Parted lips, vacuous expression and gyrating hips make-up the mainsteam image of sexy. And the contradictious smile ~ brilliant. I love her!
i agree with laurie
也许是粗话,但这是 casana 对 Kira 的另一种个人轻视。不是第一个,他忽略了以前的提示。内容和介绍是公开辩论和争论的,关于女孩的评论仅限于“她不上诉”就足够了。
strong language maybe but this is another personal slight by c asana on Kira. not the first and he has ignored previous hints. content and presentation is rightly open to debate and arguement, comments about the girls restricted to "she does not appeal" is enough information.
热热热热,她非常像德克斯特的妻子,HBO 电视剧中的“丽塔”!
hot hot hot she ressembles so much Dexter's wife, "Rita" in the HBO series!
我确实认为 Kira 可能确实是新的 Yanna。这个美丽的女人拥有一切。拜托,在不久的将来更多的基拉。谢谢大家。保罗麦格
I do think that Kira may indeed be the new Yanna. This beautiful woman has it all. Please, more of Kira in the near future. Thanks to you all. Paul Mcg
Smart words ~ lousy opionions
You just cannot resist digging the shit on this girl can you Arsehole. The only reason I read your written diarrhoea is to see if you ever make derogatory remarks about any other girls. Seems you save all your nasty spite for Kira. Its just pure character assassination. I find it amazing that you can be so mean spirited about someone you know nothing about and who cannot defend herself. I think it actually says quite a lot about the shallow, deeply unpleasant person you are. And a creep to boot! Just fuck off back to the bottom of the pond and suck on an amoeba.
我将从好的开始。音乐和剪辑都很棒。这首 Purekane 曲目捕捉了东方的神秘情色。篝火可能会驱赶狼群,但会吸引穿着手镯和丝绸的吸血鬼女性。快节奏的摄像机角度变化也很有效。不狂热,但在边缘。不幸的是,这个链条中的薄弱环节又是基拉。 Ke$ha 式的张嘴表情太过分了。考究的短裤触感不错,但 Kira 的比例不适合小脚踝靴,结果有点过于来自泽西海岸的 Snooki。她还使用她的头发,就像她不习惯的接发一样,这让人分心。然而,可以瞥见可能发生的事情。从 03:08-03:09 的那一刻让我相信有一个 Kira 2.0 在等着出来。
I'll start with the good. The music and editing are terrific. This Purekane track captures the mysterious eroticism of the east. The bonfire may ward off wolves but attracts vampire women dressed in bangles and silks. The quick paced camera angle changes work too. Not frenetic but on the brink. Unfortunately the weak link in this chain is once again Kira. The Ke$ha-like open mouth expressions are way overdone. The dressy shorts are a nice touch but Kira's proportions do not lend themselves to teeny ankle boots, the result is a bit too Snooki from The Jersey Shore. She also uses her hair like extensions she is unaccustomed to and it is distracting. There are glimpses of what could be however. That moment from 03:08-03:09 keeps me believing there's a Kira 2.0 waiting to get out.
A stunning fusion of cool and style.
很不错。我很想看到 Kira 和 Dominika C 在一起。我认为它们可能和 Marlene/Olena O 配对一样火爆!
Very nice. I would love to see Kira and Dominika C together. I think they could be as hot as the Marlene/Olena O pairing!