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这部激动人心的电影揭示了 Konata 将走多远来满足她奇怪的欲望。她拥抱并亲吻束缚她的绳索。 从她出现用乳头夹跳舞时起,很明显她渴望在极端边缘享受快乐。为此,她必须被紧紧地束缚住,以致于她没有逃脱的机会。打结的绳索经过严格的图案化处理,可以牢牢抓住她的腿、手臂和胸部。 她必须从地板上爬起来,无助和颤抖。现在,她终于来到了她向往的地方。
This thrilling film reveals how far Konata will go to satisfy her strange lusts. She embraces and kisses the ropes that bind her.
From when she appears dancing with her nipple clamps it is clear that her desire is for pleasures at the extreme edge. For that she must be so tightly bound that there is no chance of escape for her. The knotted ropes are patterned strictly to hold her legs, her arms and her breasts in their unrelenting grip.
She must haul herself up, helpless and trembling, from the floor. Now at last she is where she has yearned to be.
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