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见证这梦幻而强烈的自爱 一个美丽的女人躺在你面前的地板上。明亮的闪光会扭曲您的视线。你可以看到她赤身裸体。但她如此专注于自己的身体,以至于没有注意到你在那里。 当你观看时,阳光透过敞开的窗户射进来,亲吻她迷人的身体。就像一位古老的公主将自己献给太阳神,她躺在那里进行着自爱的终极仪式。但你真的看到了吗?还是你在做梦? 现在看电影,自己判断。
Witness this dreamy and intense self-love
A beautiful woman lies on the floor in front of you. Flashes of bright light distort your vision. You can see she’s naked. But she’s so intensely focused on her body she doesn’t notice you there.
As you watch, beams of sunlight stream in through the open window and kiss her stunning body. Like an ancient princess offering herself to the sun gods, she lies there performing the ultimate ritual of self-love. But are you actually seeing this? Or are your dreaming?
Watch the movie now and judge for yourself.
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