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印度拥有世界上最古老的文明之一。而且它也可能比其他任何人都更致力于创造和保存美。事实上,在印度,美学不仅仅是一种艺术形式。这是一种宗教。 所以 Nuna – 美丽、赤裸、精神 – 恰到好处。她深黑色闪亮的皮肤,迷人的长黑发,紧实有力但又娇嫩的身体,她是人们看到的“印度女神”的活生生的形象许多寺庙。她会带你去天堂。 看着 Petter 和她在热带土地上一起工作真是令人着迷。然后它变得更好,因为 Serena 出现了,她和 Nuna 重复了他们的第一次聚会。这两者之间的激情——美国的自由精神和印度的天使——看起来是如此美妙,它将为你的一天带来欢乐和光明。
India has one of the oldest civilizations in the world. And it’s also perhaps more dedicated to the creation and preservation of beauty than any other. In fact, in India, aesthetics is not just an art form. It’s a religion.
So Nuna – beautiful, naked, spiritual - fits right in. With her deep dark glistening skin, her captivatingly long black hair, and her tight powerful yet delicate body, she is a living image of the “Indian Goddess” that one sees on so many temples. She will take you to heaven.
Watching Petter and her work together here in the tropical lands is truly mesmerizing. And then it gets even better, because Serena shows up, and she and Nuna do a repeat of their first get-together. The passion between these two – the American free spirit and the Indian angel – is just so wonderful to watch, it will bring joy and light to your day.
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