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我们还有 6 项挑战和数百种高潮等您探索:
伊万杰琳娜 (Evangelina) 高潮挑战——一项记录实验。
三叶草疯狂高潮挑战- 我们有一位新的高潮冠军!
亚历山德拉和 Ombeline 高潮奥运会——终极高潮挑战。
Anna L——1 小时性高潮挑战——终极性高潮试验。
Hera 1h Cum Challenge - 一小时不间断的高潮。
任何 Moloko 1 小时高潮挑战- 高潮的节奏。
In the warm afternoon light, Serena enters the room. A long couch against the wall sits beneath an open window. Birds can be heard singing outside. Serena is naked, and she takes a seat next to a small table on which two bowls sit. One is full of nuts, the other is empty.
As Serena then explains, she has accepted “a challenge.” She is going to have as many orgasms as she can, and each time she has one, she will move a nut from the full bowl to the empty bowl. In this way, she will count her cums.
Using her fingers, a vibrator, and a dildo, Serena journeys on her quest. With each jolt of ecstasy, she reaches out – often in a daze – to move a nut. It’s a mix of sport, sex, and spirituality. How many nuts do you think Serena will move? Come in and discover…
Don't miss our other films in these series!
We have 6 more Challenges and hundreds more Orgasms waiting for you to explore:
Evangelina Orgasm Challenge - An Experiment For The Record.
Clover Crazy Climax Challenge - We Have a New Climax Champion!
Alexandra and Ombeline Orgasm Olympics - The Ultimate Orgasm Challenge.
Anna L - 1 Hour Orgasm Challenge - The Ultimate Orgasmic Trial.
Hera 1h Cum Challenge - One Hour of non-stop orgasms.
Any Moloko 1 Hour Orgasm Challenge - The rhythm of the orgasm.
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