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白天,维罗妮卡 (Veronika) 是一名化妆师,因此她知道如何才能在镜头前展现最佳状态。 当然,展现最佳状态也意味着让一切看起来轻松自在,而 Veronika 当然也涵盖了这一点! Veronika 身穿蕾丝上衣和黑色高跟鞋,一动不动地站着,镜头审视着她永远的曲线。当镜头上下摇摄时,我们瞥见了我们大多数人梦寐以求的曲线美天堂。 然后,毫无征兆地,维罗妮卡开始跳那支特别的舞,紫色蕾丝紧身胸衣一点一点地从完美的躯干上滑落,直到我们只剩下一个华丽的女人和黑色缎面鞋。 不错,真不错!
By day, Veronika works as a make up artist so she knows what it takes to look your best on camera.
Of course, looking your best also means making it look easy, and Veronika certainly has that covered too! Posing in a purpose lacey top and complimentary black heels, Veronika stands very still as the camera studies her ever curve. As the lens pans up and down, we get a tiny glimpse of a curvaceous heaven most of us have only dreamed of.
Then, without warning, Veronika begins to do that special dance, and bit by bit that purple lacey corset slides off that perfect torso until all we have left is a gorgeous woman and black satin shoes.
Not bad, not bad at all!
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