Let’s get together!

by Fabi October 04 | 2012

Let’s get together!

Hello again to all my old and new friends!

I’ve got great news for you about Workshops I have planned for you. There is no doubt at all that when people get together to experience Tantra first hand they learn a huge amount from each other. That is why I have arranged some days when we can meet in the near future.

The aim is to enhance life. What I mean by that is that when we strengthen and deepen our relationships with others we live life more fully. When we live in the moment and cultivate our senses we experience everything much more vividly. That’s what these Workshops set out to achieve.

You deserve to have this experience. Why not bring your partner with you too? I’m sure that you will be amazed by the difference that it will make in your life.

The Workshops will be happening on 13-14 October ’12 and again on 13-14 November ’12. The venues is the Tantric Temple at Sitges near Barcelona, Spain and the cost is only €300 pp. There’s more details here

It will be wonderful to meet!
