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アンナ・デル・アルテはキエフ出身の 23 歳です。彼女はプロのサーカス パフォーマーで、長いキャリアとヨーロッパ ツアーの経験があります。真のアスリートであり、技術の達人でもある彼女は、常に自分のスキルだけでなく自分自身をも磨いています。
Anna Del Arte hails from Kyiv, and is 23 years old. She is a professional circus performer, with a long career and several Europeans tours under her belt. A true athlete and master of her craft, she is constantly honing her skills, as well as herself.
FREE SPIRITED AND ADVENTUROUS, she is nonetheless pretty reserved and as demanding of others as she is of herself. Stoic and proud of her accomplishments, Anna often finds herself at the centre of attention, where she belongs.
She exudes strength and confidence with every refined and skilled move, and will set fire to any stage where she performs!