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作为一个音乐家很难做到。但是当你像这样有才华和华丽时,你就有比大多数人更好的机会。 认识 18 岁的俄罗斯美女米拉。她是一位才华横溢的音乐家,在她的工业摇滚乐队中弹吉他和唱歌(想想九英寸钉乐队就是该流派的一个著名例子)。她的模特生涯才刚刚起步,但这是一个多么好的开始啊! 正如您对音乐家的期望一样,她具有创造性的灵魂。但尽管性格随和,她也无所畏惧和冲动。正是这种尝试新事物的意愿(不听恐惧)将帮助她成功。鉴于她的大部分职业生涯都在她面前,我们相信她会取得成功。 你不必长得好看才能成为一名艺术家。但事实是,它确实有帮助。米拉 (Milla) 拥有罕见(但令人惊叹)的苗条身材和丰满的胸部。她的身材优美,一定会引起你的共鸣。
It’s tough to make it as a musician. But when you’re as talented and gorgeous as this you’ve got a better shot than most.
Meet 18-year-old Russian beauty, Milla. She’s a gifted musician, playing the guitar and singing in her industrial rock band (think Nine Inch Nails for a famous example of the genre). Her modelling career is just getting started, but what a start she’s made!
As you’d expect from a musician, she has a creative soul. But despite an easy-going personality, she’s also fearless and impulsive. It’s this willingness to try new things (without listening to the fear) that will help her make it. And with the vast majority of her career in front of her, we’re sure she’ll make it a success.
You don’t have to be good looking to make it as an artist. But the truth is, it sure does help. Milla has the rare (but stunning) combination of lean body and full chest. Her figure is beautifully composed, it’s sure to strike a chord with you.
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