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Hegre 的第 1060 部电影为您带来新模特 DESI DEVI 的首次电影表演。一切都充满东方风味的力量。
德西·黛维 (Desi Devi) 在印度出生和长大,她为她伟大国家的色情传统感到自豪,在这里您可以体验到真正的林伽按摩、密宗和印度阴茎取悦的奥秘。在《爱经》的元素的加持下,她最终让她的大号伙伴 GORO 喘不过气来……
与 Desi Devi 一起在东方度过片刻,享受一系列您甚至不知道存在的性转变......
Hegre’s 1060th movie brings you new model DESI DEVI’s first cinematic performance. All with the strenght and power of eastern flavours.
BORN AND RAISED IN INDIA, Desi Devi is proud of her great nation’s erotic heritage and here you get a taste of true lingam massage, tantra and the mysteries of Indian penis pleasing. Spiced up with elements from Kama Sutra, she ends up leaving her magnum sized partner GORO just gasping for air...
Spend a moment in the east with Desi Devi and enjoy a series of sexual turns you didn’t even know existed...
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