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性能量是我们每个人与生俱来的,只是等待着被开启和释放。 在密宗的世界里,这被称为一种充满活力和强大的力量,具有几乎无穷无尽的潜力。 您越多地品尝色情快感,您就越想要。您越能更好地刺激和引导自己的性高潮流,您就能体验到越深的性快感。直到你感觉到高潮真正涌遍整个身体。 这部电影为您热情介绍了性高潮能量的哲学。以及如何通过纯粹的性爱达到独特的心态......
Sexual energy lies innate in all of us, just waiting to be switched on and set free.
In the world of Tantra this is known as a dynamic and powerful force with almost endless potential.
THE MORE YOU GET TO TASTE erotic pleasure the more you want. And the better you’re able to stimulate and channel your own pool of orgasmic flow, the deeper sexual pleasure you will be able to experience. Until you you feel the orgasm actually flushing throughout the entire body.
This film brings you a passionate introduction to the philosophy of orgasmic energy. And how to reach a unique state of mind through pure sex...
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