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HEGRE 的第 980 部电影带您前往乌克兰喀尔巴阡山脉雄伟而感性的山脉。并与美妙的乡村女孩 Tiana 进行色情约会。 这是您体验乌克兰荒野奇观的机会。从高处,沿着金色的田野,深入童话般的林地。在你的同伴 Tiana 的陪伴下,你将被带到你从未见过的秘密地方。 向伟大勇敢的乌克兰民族致敬。带着永恒的爱和热情。
HEGRE’s 980th movie takes you to the majestic and sensuous mountains of the Carpathians in Ukraine. And to an erotic date with wonderful country girl Tiana.
HERE’S YOUR CHANCE to experience the wonders of the Ukraine wilderness. From high above, along fields of gold and deep into fairy tale woodlands. With your companion Tiana by your side, you’ll be taken to secret places you’ve never seen before.
A stunning tribute to the great brave nation of Ukraine. With undying love and passion.
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