Life is like a stage

by Bara July 10 | 2014

Life is like a stage

Sometimes we’re the actors and sometime we’re the audience. But each of us has our own stage and we’re the director of ourselves. It’s nice to reflect on that fact.

As I experience and become more and more aware of this fact, I feel that how you play on your stage is the key to an easier life. If you’re on the stage you have to play well, by that I mean to be completely honest, real and alive. Only a real actor is a good actor. On the stage there is no fear of the future there is just the present.

And you can enjoy any role; you can be the crazy or serious person, gentle or soft, the boss or the servant, the mother, the husband, the teacher or anything else. And although you’re playing different roles, at some point you realise it’s not a fake you, these characteristics are a part of you. The role you’re playing at this time is just an aspect of your personality, the one you want to be seen at the moment.

People often identify themselves as if they have just a single role for their life. But the role you play can change during your life, even during a single day. And it’s boring to just believe and fixate on one role.

It becomes good fun once you start to notice what your role is in any new situation. Especially if you surrender to it and fully accept it. For example, if you’re able to play the perfect servant, you know how it feels and the next time you can be the perfect boss because of your experience as the servant.

The thing is if you do not accept your role and you hate it, you can never move on. You can never step out of it.

One step can be: do not take yourself too seriously! Feel like you’re on the stage. Notice how you’re feeling about the role you are in. And if you don’t like it, look at it closer. What is the reason you don’t feel comfortable with it. And always remember to breath!

The next step may sound crazy but there is no other way: you have to fall in love with it. That means full acceptance that is love only. And then the fun starts; you can freely step in and out of anything you want. That is an incredible feeling of freedom.

So what are the steps?

1. Dont take anything too seriously. Life keeps changing and this moment will pass sooner or later. Try to look at the situation from above, like you’re looking down at the theatre as the director, while at the same time you are involved on the stage.

2. Realise this is just a role. You are not the role. For example, maybe now you’re the mother of the family, taking care of children, cooking and cleaning. And then from 6pm you’re going to switch to sexy, passionate lady, dressed up to have a perfect date with your husband. We have to put some spice into it and become alive in the role!

3. Fall in love with the role. Love is acceptance! Breath deeply to the belly, noticing what it is that you don’t like. Then find the courage to accept it.

I hope this approach will be an inspiration for you. And my last suggestion is to not expect miracles right away. As with any self-development exercise, it takes practice. Be patient. And keep breathing :)

If there is anything you’re wondering about please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.
